Hello Jow Forums you ever had something up your butte? some days ago i tried with a cucumber...

hello Jow Forums you ever had something up your butte? some days ago i tried with a cucumber. i had condom on it with some lube. it felt good :3

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Take the name off

put your noose on

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lole. i dont regret making this thread
its so other norwegians wont get confused with me. if u dont like me just filter me or something

it was kind of uncomfortable and i felt like he might not respect me very much as a result

You know what happens when you put the name on

*touches ur crotch*

awee that sounds bad. i hope u get a better experience next time if u wanna do it
gah but im bored and i crave ATTENTION. yep im a attention whore. just gibs attention

do you want an award

What The fuck is this?

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It's a gay thread, Elliot

not really i think
its called a thread Elliot

eh i guess that yeah

discord thread

*cuddles ur big nose*

boy love is underrated
@everyone @everyone @everyone @everyone @everyone @everyone @everyone @everyone @everyone @everyone @everyone @everyone

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Please tell me you’re not going to post gay porn. That shit is disgusting

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i wont post gay porn since that is lewd :3

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And then you post it anyways

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aids is gay! so i wont get it >w<
remember to be sure your sexual partner is clean and healthy with no STDs no matter what gender or sexuality u are!
have a great day poland anone!

no because i shouldnt. i used to be straight so i know that gay porn really can gross people out.after all dick used to make me gag. but i love em now!

Then why won’t you post gay porn?

because i dont wanna gross you people out. it would be mean right?

I want you to be mean

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We are already disgusted by the fact that we share the board with literal faggots

why that Elliot? i dont want people to dislike me :(

We already dislike you from the fact you’re gay.

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damn... u shouldnt really say something like that. why do u hate us so much? i wanna understand why

well im bi actually. but im closer to gay i guess.

Have you eaten the cucumber Ritsu? I suspect you to eat it after washing it and consuming it rather throwing it away and waste food.

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You are disgusting and obnoxious. Look at this thread. No one fucking cares about you faggot, yet you keep bringing it up

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wtf is that picture

Your average homo

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heheh... n-no
hey i just want some le attention. also i dont care if u arent gay or whatever. still u really dont have a good reason to hate gays.

but its about a woman?

Since when women have dicks?

They all say that until they end up getting gay aids

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lmao i would never get aids. unlike some gay people i am gonna be in a relationship that wont allow me to have sex with other men. i doubt he has aids lole

but the story is about a guy who was messing with used tampons?

Are all Norwegians this gay?

not really i think

Read who wrote this and check xir's profile pic.

it just keeps getting worse

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i like how the gayest thread i made got the most replies in all of my threads here on Jow Forums

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If you don't have aids now after having dix in your ass. Just be grateful you got to do it a few times and quit now b4 u get the gay aids

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i havent gotten a dick in me yet. but i dont plan to fuck a lot of guys. just my bf tho. that should be fine right?

that's usually how works, shock value and drama.
also, nino a shi, A SHIT.

What if he fux other guys tho and then gives u the gay aids

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i dont know that manga but still mean!
he loves me. i doubt really hard that he would fuck anyone else then me.

the manga's called Go-toubun hanayome

a couple of fingers and a pencil thats all


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i have done that before. but big dicklike things are great. just dont be too impatient. i still havent felt a real dick yet tho...i hope u find a great bf!

Has he dated anyone before you?

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>a pencil
did you draw a smiley face up there?

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heh... actually yeah. he even used to have a wife. but he got cheated on. but i have talked with him for months now. i really love him and he tells me he loves me too. he knows im a boy. but still sees me as a female lole. but im glad i met him even if it might not work out

So he's dated before. Even had a wife. Most likely fucked other men (or obviously has considered it.) You still think he won't fuck other guys?
>Glad we met even if it doesn't work out
And then you'll date some other guy, and the cycle repeats

Again, good luck with the gay aids

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yes hehe

he isnt like that. he told me if he could undo all of the sex with other people just to have me he would have done it. he really do loves me. he has taken care for me when nobody did. idc if he has fucked other guys before. right now we are happily together


ewww! i feel bad for u

Just don't be a gay aids denier when the time comes. Get treatment. Or don't and infect and kill more faggots. It's up to you really

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no that's gay wtf

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i wont!
nah uh! its super straight!

by what means

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becaus its just is straight! just like its gay to fuck women if ur a guy dummy

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I want a cucumber, not for anal but just because I'm hungry. I've got a neighbor who's pretty cool and let's me and others help ourselves to her garden within reason.
I bought her a bag of mulch once.

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yes, dicks
now fuck off, faggot

that insult was pretty based desu