How do you guys avoid getting yelled at by your parents? I get yelled at every day and it’s starting to take a toll. I’ve tried not giving a fuck, but that’s starting to fail. Any advice? I’ve got to survive a few more months

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Yell at your parents

easy, become wageslave and get yelled at by your fellow wageslaves

That would make things a lot worse. I’d definitely get kicked out if I did that :(

The only jobs available are slave tier like McDonald’s. I have no problem working, it’s just that I want to actually make a decent wage

My parents have always been dickheads, but it’s gotten extremely worse since I didn’t move out when I turned 18, and it gets worse everyday.

I’ve worked a few jobs, but not made enough money to move out. And currently I have no job.

Work construction or get an apprenticeship

How? Don’t you have to know people to get on?

The only solution is to get a job, decent wage, wait for when you're able to purchase a apartment, success. Since you don't have a current job, this would take longer.

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I endured for month then I started working. 2 weeks sorting garbage, 1 week in truck plant, some days in a cheese factory and I am currently working in a sawmill. I still don't know what to do with my life yet I have a job.

No shit, how?

How did you get those jobs?

Look online or ask your parents

>ask your parents
I have and I got no where. I’ve applied to several jobs online, but didn’t get any response back.

mostly with acting agencies

I have no idea if your being sarcastic...

do you want to stop being a NEET or do you just want you parents to stop bothering you?

Both. If I stop being a NEET they will leave me alone.

I wasn't. It was a pain in the ass for me too

Feels bad man...

>living with parents
lole nothing personel, kiddo

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I’d rather be a wage slave than a neet at least you might meet new people

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If you don't give a shit about what job you work, try to get in a temp agency. If you do give a shit, then get a low tier job certification like pharmacy technician or CNC machinist. Most of all, to avoid them get out of the house, you'll get along much better if you aren't seeing each other all the time

Kill yourself commie

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Learn coding.
Upload your projects on GitHub
Boom instant job
It takes about 6 months to a year

I’m moving out in a few months. I just need something to occupy my time. A job would get me out of the house and away from them.

I’m not a commie. I’m just a result of the failures of capitalism

What are some hobbies that would get me out of the house?


Me too, but it’s not that easy

move to urban shite flat and just pretend you are preparing for your job while gettin support from parents

I need to save my money until I move out in a few months

Needs just need jobs, simple really.

Gib job pls

Find jobs. How many have you applied for?

mine simply got tired of it lol

I submitted my 4th application today

Oh man, you need way, way more than that to get a chance at an interview. It's a numbers game.

>jobs are plentiful!
>capitalism gud!
>needs to beg dozens of times to get an entry level position
This is all so tiresome...

This ride never ends unfortunately

I suggest HVAC. Air conditioning is brutal work in attics, so they are always losing people who quit and hiring more.

>wah I have to write to more than two places to get a call back
get it together, faggot. you can't blame capitalism for your own lack of effort

yeah,just get rich parent.

I can and I will. Thank god support for capitalism is at an all time low and plummeting exponentially. It’s die to have a stroke boomer.


Thanks I’ll check it out

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Fucking blow me the slut RPer is also a shitposting loser with no social life

Reminder, that your parents, or anyone else in this situations parents only want the best for them, they are aware you are living in the moment where the option for mindless self indulgence is available, however they are not going to be alive forever, there seems to be an overwhelming growth in the amount of NEETs these days, as well as drop outs. As if its a trend, the problem is of much larger demographic on this spectrum of the internet. To the point some even mistake it as a norm for this site. However not here for that.
>inb4 trust fun lole
this thread is not for you.
I recommend taking the tougher route, if you are a drop out there are plenty of oportunities for private contracting work where certification is small picking for and hour of your time.
>how do i find said p contracting job
news paper, always listing for everything from roadwork, carpentry, security, hell even a CDL or something. there are things you dont have to go full wageslave for, in the end you will have to learn to become self sustaining eventually, its for the better and in the end you will hate getting up to work, but you will have income, a decent start, and at least a better view in your parents eyes. At least try.

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I give zero fucks about my parents. If they died it wouldn’t faze me. They are white trash scum. I’ve made more money in the past few months than they made in a year. I have enough money to pay for my entire tuition for this year, yet won’t have any to spare if I buy an apartment. They bitch at me because they fucking hate my guts and are jealous. It’s always been like this. I just have to tolerate them a few more months until I move out permanently.

I also pay for everything myself, so I’m not leaching off of them. I just need a place to live until the next semester starts. I’ve been looking for a job to occupy my time, but have been unsuccessful

the neet life is a trap. i've been trapped as a neet for five years since I was 18.

remove parents

Dubs of truth


Fuck this

n word

You have to learn the NEET shuck and jive