What's it feel like to have a foreskin uncut bros?

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This has to be the worst part about being cut. I wish i could do it without having to find something to use as lube

have you tried spit?

i have, but for some reason my split feels more watery than slimy. feels like i'm jacking off with water

try blowing your nose on your dick then

There's a reason Jews do this you know.
>jewish lotion conspiracy

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wait... what? Is that actually a thing?

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alternatively there's a technique where you use someone else's mouth instead of your own hands

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I had to get one with around 13 because my foreskin was literally too small for my dick and it hurt like hell, after half a year of unsuccessfull stretching exercises I just had them cut it off.
Jerking off feels a bit worse now but aside from that not much difference, also your dick smell isn't as strong

Does it really smell that bad?


Like this

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Feels good man

How the fuck do you "uncut" foreskin?

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me on the left

i dont believe thats possible, im sorry

I'm not certain where I heard about it, but it was some online drama sperg had posts on some kind of tugger forum which apparently re-foreskins you? I think it was in a Metokur stream or similar.

than you have one less reason to hate jew

Update: found it.

I don't think it would work with the American style of circumcision. The Jews used to only circumcise a little bit of the tip (the glands would still be mostly covered) but then the Jews kept tugging them to make them look normal , so the elders radicalized the tradition in 200 bce and made it so you couldn't tug it back by cutting almost all of it off .


You could probably get some form of reconstructive surgery

So is that what OP was trying to say? I think stuff like that is just fucking weird.

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I see.
Then plan B: Glue some sausage casing on there.

I think I will just not circumcise my child until his pee pee grows nice and big and then circumcise him and have it grafted on my pee pee

Like it's a dick.

Plan C it is then. Yours is better.

OP, do this.

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I'm cut and masturbate without lube every day.

I had severe phimosis so I had to get circumcised at 13
It was fucking awful. I'm never mutilating my kids

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Same, i'd never do that to my son

well you know... assuming he doesnt have sever phimosis

Even if you could, i dont think yo would be able to regrow the sensitivity