What about the current political situation?

What about the current political situation?

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>real politics
>Jow Forums politics

we are friends with [s4s] and /f/, tolerated by /jp/, hated by Jow Forums and the exact opposite of everything Jow Forums stands for

He’s lying

real politics = boring
so that goes on Jow Forums
Jow Forums politics = fun
so it belongs here

prove it, Jow Forums when with /f/ for the winter ball

It's a fight for our lives

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Go back to a place for faggots such as yourself.


not from [s4s] came here from /b/, may 4th 2017, I suggest you crawl back to nu/pol/ if you don't intend to play nice

how many banters has the Jow Forums origin?
Which board's users are the core of our folk?

> came from /b/
Let me guess, you make dick rate threads and tranny porn

my bad, you actually are the wrecker

that's why I left Jow Forumsteen. imagine being this new.
some. at Jow Forums was a cluster fuck of different boards, /b/ refugees, Jow Forums, Jow Forumsacks looking to ruin yet another good board, weebs from all over some namefags from [s4s]. I think at for about 15% of the first Jow Forums users were from Jow Forums.

Jow Forumsasks are based and redpilled unlike you faggots.

I guess I've spent more time on /v/ than anything else

nobody comes here LOL

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>t.Jow Forums

They are scared.

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I came from /b/. I kept holding on because I remembered old /b/ but this board is fucking magical.

>we are friends with [s4s]
speak for yourself, faggot

our foreign policy at the moment should be the annihilation of Jow Forums. to do this we should establish alliances with [s4s] and /jp/, as they are our closes cultural kin and would be most willing to help. Jow Forums should be partitioned between Jow Forums, [s4s], and /jp/ as incorporating such vast territory on our own would prove to be difficult. any suggestions on improving this plan, or suggestions for after that?

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Fuck [s4s] and fuck /jp/ they’re both faggots.

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they're the only board that whole heartedly tolerates Jow Forumss bullshit. remember the embassy threads?

i suggest that this is a good plan

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this. I'm starting to think this board is flooded by newfags who believe/bant/'s history begain at the end of last year.

>remember the embassy threads?
i do, but i was always against them

Embassy threads, it sounds like a nice thing to revive

>t. Jow Forums
what should be done about Jow Forums and Jow Forums? giving land to /jp/ and [s4s] in conflicts against them would strengthen them, making the future incorporation of /jp/ and [s4s] into Jow Forums much more difficult. however, a war against Jow Forums or Jow Forums would most likely draw the other in and would surely end in defeat for Jow Forums.
this is based

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We should nuke Jow Forums and afterwards round up all Jow Forums cross-boarders on Jow Forums and put them in concentration camps

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you seem like a very boring poster then.

i dont care what other people think of me

then ban avatarfags

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Jow Forums was made to be Jow Forumss bitch.

we need to build a wall of shitposts and we will make Jow Forums and Jow Forums pay for it

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We are the chosen peoples board.

systematic bluepilling and gassing of Jow Forumsyps

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death to Jow Forums

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