i'm new to Jow Forums, what is the opinion on belgium and its boys?
I'm new to Jow Forums, what is the opinion on belgium and its boys?
go back
Fuck off faggot
I'm belgian AMA
hmmm, Jow Forums is aggressive...
do i know you?
No since I'm not gay or a tripfag
shut your up
i know straight spaniards too
no abdul
But you're gay, am I wrong?
Don't mind them, it's probably the HRT.
>no abdul
go back to Jow Forums
you guys stink
im gonna throw up
We call Belgian boys
>jong belegen
waffle pene
Disgusting degenerate britbong
i didn't post pene it was the waffle
bi i think
please dont
sgattig :3
untrue desu
Hey, at least I'm not an american
very based
>its boys
post boipussy
okay, but i have to say i really dont like how slutty this feels...
What the fuck is going on
also nice ass sissy
post tits
i'm a boy, user...
thanks, but please dont call me that
post unshopped one and I'll call your ass amazing, untill then its awful
i'm a boy, i told you
what do you mean by that
Delicious tummy
this is a pretty good thread
nigga that's just nasty
butt area is clearly shopped there
very nice benis tho
very nice everything tbdesu
Fuckkng attention whoring faggots go back to Jow Forums and leave me alone
learn to appreciate male body instead of being jealous, dumb tranny
i had hoped nobody i knew would be here, sorry...
sorry but it isnt shopped
I browse bant sometimes
If you are talking about people finding out you know I wont tell anyone
user, lying on internet is very bad
i dunno, it had just been a long while since i had done anything like this and i was missing that feeling of being wanted, but even while posting i already felt bad about doing it..
i hope you won't think less of me now :c
if you wanna know i had a skin condition i was incredibly insecure about and i smoothed out the pic
now please go away, i feel terrible
Based ass analysis
Good boi, but please don't lie like that anymore. Happy you fixed it.
And yes you have very pretty butt.
where are muh malaysian bois at?
#1. I like them!
#2. I want to hug them!!
i feel like a dick now:(
sorry, didnt mean to. it's not your fault
also sorry for killing the thread
i hope i wont ever feel the need to do this again
aye, camwhoring on 4chins never did anyone any good
take care, cutie
>>> /lgbt/
>>> /cm/
>>> /y/
sorry for leaving you guys, i just feel absolutely awful now
anyone want to chat and try to save this godawful thread of mine
Is Philippe Servaty a hero in Belgium?
I'm sorry I'm late what did I miss
gay thread
homosex cuntri
I like traps, Belgium.
no u desu
post belgium insulting license
general area
i'm sorry
am i still allowed to call you hererosexually challenged?
sideways germany
How can I be heterosexually challenged if I am the one who challenges
making guys question their sexuality with ur dicke is hella gay
How did this happen?
Also at this point I just have to do it too
i dont even know who he is
pic is not him, i've seen that one like a year ago already
I make other men gay so more women are left over for myself
>4 ears
What the fuck?
also seeing you makes me glad we split countries so you wouldn't a citizen here
do i know you? are you in the lelgdiscord?
do you want to?
and do you want to chat with me alone? not lewd, i just want more country friends
int was a mistake
Naw man I don't perform well in one on one.
Get someone else to act as a mediator
Are you better at threesomes?
nichten moeten dood
ik wil gewoon een beetje babbelen oetz
Nah. Try as you might you're not getting my attention away from this shithole of a board
Tja sorry vriend, ik niet. Nothing personnel
Belgian boys are cute uwu
mooie cijfers, demoon
thanks, how did you get that conclusion?
Belgium a shit. Pancakes are better :DDD
delete or die
make me. Pancakes are everything Bellgum waffles wish they could be.
pancakes don't have the useful holes where melting ice cream and chocolate sauce can gather into you inbred burger phillistine piece of inhuman garbage