Jow Forums, today I made a wienerschitzel. What did you do with your 24 hours of life today?

Jow Forums, today I made a wienerschitzel. What did you do with your 24 hours of life today?

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Okay.. Jow Forums! I made a wienerschitzel. I finally did it! What did you do?

i was in a course for IT networking and the other guys there were annoying shits

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Were you happy? That's all that matters.

looks good


did you make any sides?

no i wasn't
i was forced to be social even though i just wanted to listen to the teacher and smoke a cigarette alone in the breaks

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I counted smiles again today. I got six

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I'm sorry to hear that.

Ok what the fuck is that image?

Six people smiled at you?

meanwhile in argentina

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Typed 3 judgments against default debtors. Still on it, poor people, fucking banks man.
How are you supposed to rape her if you covered all her holes?

What is that?

milanesa (wienerschitzel) with boat shape


Looks thin but good.

Well, more specifically I *made* six people smile at me. It makes me sad to know that the only thing that stands between people showing some genuine emotion is having someone else show it to them first. It also makes me sad that this little bit of interaction is pretty much what's keeping me sane

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I have several family recipes but I have one you could never replicate in Romania: Moose burnt ends with special marinade.


That's sad, user. But, hey, at least they smiled back. Please, get a hobby you really find an interest in or a set goals you can not achieve at this point in time so that you can cross them off your list. Study human psychology and learn body language. You may be able to tell people's moods by looking at their body language one day. From there, you can conversate with them about what is bothering them. You may help their day or their life. This could even benefit you.

milanese, milanesa, milanga, mila, wienerschitzel

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I'm not sure why you're bringing all that up buddy. If you hired someone to figure out what type of person I am then you're severely overpaying him for his efforts

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No. You could learn this so that instead of smiling at people to get them to smile back, you can help them with why they don't want to smile.

I see. Well technically I could try to become Captain Magnanimous and I might even find my way into enjoying it. But I'll pass. My life is short and my bucket list larger than the aforementioned. I much prefer being the silent observer rather than the active partaker of society

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I'm an introvert and often a failure but I did amazing things I never dreamed of. Hope everything works out.

It is working out. I went through my grab life by the balls moment a while ago. It just came with the crushing realization that I had to choose between either trying to achieve my dream or trying to achieve a life that makes me happy. Failures are not an option fren, they are a necessity, and therefore nothing to feel bad about. The only possible reason for you to stop failing is because you've stopped really trying.

not bad for a mutt

May I schit on your weiner?