What the hell is it like being an ugly girl?
What the hell is it like being an ugly girl?
You have to work
Basically like being an average looking man.
not that hard
>You have to work
and a pretty woman doesn't?
Probably a few more Bus involved.
way easier than being an ugly guy.
pic related isn't ugly. and even if you are one lifes still easy.
BJs fucking autocorrect can suck my dick too
i cant stop catching nigger dick
she looks like a young Tilda Swinton. 7.5/10
Pretty girls don't need to put in nearly as much effort. Same thing with men.
Alot harder than being an ugly guy thats for sure
even an ugly girl can get a chad provider.
but you cant be ugly AND fat. if you're ugly, you need to be fit and have nice teeth. ugly with bad teeth is a no go.
if you are fat with bad teeth and ugly, you are destined for the trailer park
fat with good teeth and cute you can still find a decent man
ugly and fit with good teeth you can get a good man
Slide thread
It's like being a man /thread
Is that pic supposed to be an ugly girl? Thats literally a 10/10 bro
are you impying that pic is ugly? because hat is well above averge and your perceptions are distored from TV and internet.
Your life as an ugly women is still on easy mode, still plenty of guys looking for attention and willing to pay for nice dinners and evenings out to get it.
and so maybe you go 6-10 months single between boys instead of 2-4 month for normals. compared with guys who can go YEARS without anyone talking to them besides family its nothing
You have to go wayyyy down on the female ugly scale into freak territory for it it be a real hardship. Even then, a lot of them still end up married with kids
Nobody cares about you
You can walk alone at night safely
t. Insanely ugly female. So ugly I post on Jow Forums
What if you're a fit abbo?
It makes it easier to give up entirely. And then you can join a crew of like-minded individuals and just hang out with friends.
being a modern house wife is not work. And yes they still exist.
even those that work, a lot of them end up in bullshit easy jobs that are part time so they can talk off when they want. And people at work are easy on them
You get treated only slightly better than a man.
Have to be smart, hard working, have personality and just generally not be a stuck up cunt. Obviously those qualities vary depending on what their body looks like.
abbos are only suitable for other abbos
they all look like gorillas
Dats a +
pretty women can walk alone at night in most places too.
street Rape risk froma random is waaaayyyyyy over stated for most neighborhoods
Ugly women are invisible. They don't get treated poorly really they just don't get acknowledged. Imagine walking through your day and the only people who talk to you are cashiers and not beyond the bare minimum to get you to leave.
Pretty much this. Even ugly chicks have ugly beta men to provide for em. I mean wasn't there some show about a fat little girl, her mom was a fat annoying cunt, and she still found some poor sap to work his fingers to the bone so they can eat to that size.
is that a doll on the right?
I mean honestly who can even tell.
>the only people who talk to you are cashiers and not beyond the bare minimum to get you to leave.
why would a guy have to imagine that?