Do americans really

Do americans really

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American here
Yes we do

Yes, yes we American really

- want to kick Dr*mpf out of the white house by 2020? Yes.

It's YangGang time

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>Shit in the shower
Which one is it?

for whom does it benefit and why is this

why do Americans shoot their kot IDs?

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Yes we made it

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It's a test of who's the bigger commie between the two I pointed out tbqh.

Get shot while going to scholl?
Get shot when the cops arrive
Get shot in the ambulance
Get shot at tje hospital
Every one got shot
Get shot walking home
Get shot while being at home
Get shot when doing normal things
Bully people until they shoot you
Get shot less then South americans?

yeah... thoughts?

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cut off their children's foreskins to appease their kike overlords?

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It's just the Jews marking their goyim cattle. Jow Forums ironically helped me realize the Jews are the master-race chosen to ascend and the goyim are there to do the heavy lifting. While a bit crude, it is an important and painless reminder of our place, a sacrifice you didn't know you made, and a reminder to always champion Judeo-Christian values and goals.



Yes, they do lick doorknobs before using them.
Don't ask me, I don't know why.

The modern Jews are Arabs. The original Hebrews were all replaced. We also have fake Christians and fake Muslims in this timeline.

yes really

Heh ID get

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Gibs are for niggers

shh, you're gonna butthurt the NEET hivemind

Post frogs?
Unfortunately some still do.

Shut up racist. I believe in equality. In equal gibs for all!

if you want equal gibs you're equally nigger
we need to gather up all NEETs and send them to Liberia. this is what Jesus would do

You were a communist state though, so aren't all Russians niggers by that logic?

ill take it!

we didn't have gibs, we had takes. lots of takes

want to annex canada? maybe.

>Be a nigger?
>Illegally buy guns off the black market, or otherwise steal a gun?
>Shoot other niggers for gang related reasons?
>Shoot whitey because fuck whitey?
>Get shot by police for shooting people?
>Get treated as a martyr by everyone?

>Be in horrible school system?
>Be mentally ill and not given correct treatment?
>Be ostracized by everyone?
>Be treated like shit by shitty teachers?
>Finally fucking crack?
>Steal daddy's legally obtained gun behind his back and shoot up the school?
>Shoot yourself?

>Be depressed, suicidal, whatever?
>Want to just fucking end it all?
>Want to go out painlessly?
>Too afraid of heights to jump off a high place?
>Too afraid of an accidentally highly painful death after a failed attempt at hanging yourself?
>Killing yourself with a gun instead?
>You suicide being counted at a gun death for (((democrats))) to lump together with actual murder for them to use as a talking point to disarm the American population and kickstart their authoritarian rule?

There's a reason behind every bullet, y'know.
>Don't get vaccination shot because your parents are retarded?

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>FOR U id

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eat the burge? Constantly unless stummy hurt form previous burge

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As an American, yes, we eat the burge.

youre a big guy

Definitely not
