Proposal for Operation Mickey Mouse

I tried posting this to r/pol/ but it didn't work. Tell me what you think or how much of a normie I am. I came here for discussion, away from places like Reddit.

Here is a proposal, that I obviously didn't write. Mouse Shall not divide us..odt?dl=0

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Bump I guess? Is this legal here?

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Holy shit, it shows where I'm posting from. I gotta bail. How do I delete post? I will die. NOOOOOO

P.S. I actually kinda want to die, so it's okay.

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I don't know how to reply. But I'm glad I'm accepted here. Thank you errybody :')


woa u rite

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i'm gonna report you to the authorities unless you post a picture of your hand

Please don't. I have no hands to show. I'm innocent. I didn't do nothing. :'(

That actually means I did something. I don't why some people in the US say this. It's natural that's you'll get shot. It's why I'm always proud that "I don't, never did nor will I ever do anything"

>I didn't do nothing

Who taught this people logic?
And why am I trolling myself, I thought that was your job?

The job of the 4channer that is.

I'm just tryna bump. I hope I don't get banned. Bump if you hate Mickey Mouse. He created the current copyright system and stole memes from the public domain.

He might be behind the ban of memes in the EU. We need to stop Mickey Mouse. They're killing us out there. Somebody call Jow Forums's CEO pr Justin Roylander. pls. He wanted to stop Disney's insurgency too. Act while you can, before they shut us down for good.

Post this to other subreddits. I don't have time for trouble. You guys are obscure, so I figured it's kind of an okay hiding spot.

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I'm just fighting the real people who are trying to stop us. I'm a good guy. Bye. I'm gonna go do normie stuff like Civ V where I can pretend Disney doesn't peddle their own culture globally with billions of dollars.

reading this thread made me lose 10 IQ points

>Lose 10 IQ points

I'm not sure there is such a thing as negative IQ points, user.

I talked about the public domain and the ban of memes in the EU. You people are dying. I'm just giving you a heads up.

I'm not replying twice because I'm triggered or anything, baka!

you're welcome

Thanks user. Post this elsewhere if you believe in ayyynime, cringe and memes. I had a friend who used to be an user. I lost because I did not know how much of a normie I was. This normie disease. It needs to be stopped at the source.

A normie is someone who doesn't feel any offense in being called a normie. They wear normieness as an armor. Little do they realize that normie armor is just wearing no armor and walking around naked.

>Inb4 Hollywood talks about the Jow Forums user and represents that as they wish.

Wait. They already did that. But Mr. Robot was okay. I'm afraid that one day, Captain Murica will have to fight the user, where we are painted as the enemy.

we are the court of owls of the internet. Captain Liberal can't do that to us.

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Good representation of women without focusing on racial divisions.

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Is it normal for OP to keep his thread his alive?

Is it normal for OP to keep his thread alive?

actually there is you silly goose. the zero point is arbitrary. you would be at the 1.1224881271×10^−13 th percentile at -10 iq points

It was a mistake. Or was it? Man, if I can freely do this. I love Jow Forums. You anons are good anons. Arigato fuck I'm not a weeabo, bakas!

yes keep posting. you are gaining lots of reputation here

>1.1224881271×10^−13 th percentile at -10 iq points

You think this makes you smart? You're probably a sad user who has no use for his math degree. Go to r/maths or whatever. Go back to Mathematica.

this is the worst thing

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smart newfag

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I don't have a math degree. and no, I don't think it makes me smart.

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Is this like getting upboated? Please spread my messages to the people of our great internet nation. Jow Forums, the greatest country in the history of the world. We built an empire and never had a civil war. Because we understand our differences and don't assume we have a uniform opinion. ALL HAIL PEPE!!! Now who wants to kill Captain Liberal before he kills us?

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Now I'm new here. Don't disturb me with that shit.

you'll fit right in here .

I have been on this board since day one. Would you like me to give you the basics of this board?

>This is the worst thing

Damn right it is. You're coming next after Captain Lady defeats Thanos. Their enemy is Jow Forums, and you know it.

I'm just trying to save whatever is left of you. To unite my people for a cause once more. Sadly, you are too anarchic to get anything done for one.

Y'all beyond saving. Remember me when hating Pepe is mainstream. Oh wait, it already is!

If you keep posting like this then you will probably get Jow Forums gold in no time

Dude that's awesome. But I have a degree in computers. This place is basically functional and can actually hold a good conversation. Unlike what others think is "normal".

But this anarchy rarely gets things done. Just do something for once. Let's spread shenanigans about Endgame before the trailer comes out. Marvel is blind and they're doing what Valve tried with paid mods. We need to stop them.

The only way to stop the normies is to make Reddit posts about a better Endgame on a subreddit we make. But first let's spread this message through Jow Forums. Everyone here can relate to this. Modify the "proposal" however you wish.

The thing is, you are the idea men, not me. Disney has gasoline over them, I'm just giving a spark, to set the fire that Jow Forums will spread. To make us never forgotten. I'm talking for the basic user.

Holy shit!!! What is Jow Forums gold??? Will I know the secrets of the universe? FINAAALLLYYY

slow claps steps out of the shadows

Heh.... not bad, kid. Not bad at all. Your meme, I mean it's not bad. A good first attempt. It's pretty dank.... I can tell it's got some thought behind it.... lots of quotable material.....

But memeing isn't all sunshine and rainbows , kid. You're skilled.... that much I can tell. But do you have what it takes to be a memester? To join those esteemed meme ranks? To call yourself a member of the Ruseman Corps? Memeing takes talent, that much is true. But more than hat it takes heart. The world-class Memesters - I mean the big guys, like Johnny Hammersticks and Billy Kahuna - they're out there day and night, burning midnight meme-oil, working tirelessly to craft the next big meme.

And you know what, kid? 99 times out of a hundred, that new meme fails. Someone dismisses it as bait, or says it's "tryhard", or ignores it as they copy/paste the latest shitpost copypasta dreamt up by those sorry excuses for cut-rate memers over at Reddit. The Meme Game is rough, kid, and I don't mean the one you just lost : ). It's a rough business, and for every artisan meme you craft in your meme bakery, some cocksucker at 9gag has a picture of a duck or some shit that a million different Johnny No-Names will attach a million different captions to. Chin up, kid. Don't get all mopey on me. You've got skill. You got talent. You just need to show your drive.

See you on the boards.......

I upboat this post and give Platinum!!! All hail capitalism. Because Reddit content is going to get revenue, and it'll turn into Tik Tok and Snapchat in no time. Pepe is my only salvation.

Jow Forums gold is a secret club where you get access to a secret board called /j/. The only way to get Jow Forums gold is to get other Jow Forums gold members to give you "shadow upvotes" and if you get enough shadow upvotes then you will be able to shadow ban other users. It's pretty epic

I give PLATINUM!!! Thank you for the motivation. You need to start a meme MasterClass. I'd pay 200 shekels.

It's epic indeed. I'd give you a PLATINUM, butI'm broke now and I need to buy the Civ VI Humble Bundle. Cause I'm kind of a normie sometimes.

The truth is, and you need to understand, that all """"social medias"""" including this one are more than functional. You just need to know why each one is created. This one was created to conquer the rest. We are the Roman Empire of internet media. We have a real democracy (except for shadow ban). And we are here to spread that democracy to the ignorant normies. After all, who feeds them their memes?

I've had great fun talking to you anons. It was great. I'll come here whenever I see an avenue to take down THE CORRUPT. I seriously don't want this anarchy, that is the essence of the internet to go away. Our empire must remain. A cornerstone of the internet itself.

I will lurk here less. Because I was never smart to be a NEET like many of you. I have to comply to the norms. But whenever I feel that FREEDOM is under threat. I'll come here.

No point in fighting the Endgame if you people think it to be hopeless. We'll just keep an eye on Hollywood. I guess you people actually keep an eye on everyone. I'm an user who is concerned for his anons. But I believe in the leadership of our greatest memesters. I'm just dropping my two bitcoins here.

And no, I don't use shekels, bitcoin is better, darker, untracaeble, anarchic, it's more anonic.

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I can just bump this to the top. OH MY GOD!!!! I was such a normie.

Press bump to pay respects. pls don't debort for spam. pls, OP is new and innocent.

I want to keep this alive. I want this for the user who does not know. After all, we have things we do not know. It is a thread that shall live in infamy!!

I try to talk a lot sometimes. This place seems like a good avenue to vent. I hope it is.

The meme game is rough. It's rough to keep this up. BUMP if you believe in this cause. In this war against our own extinction.