All sexual deviants (whores, pedos, fags, trannies, cucks, fetishists) are the result of child abuse and/or porn exposure. This includes exposure to (((media))) which is absolutely riddled with degeneracy.

Porn is (((psychological warfare))). The purpose of porn is to rewire your instinct to reproduce into degenerate lust. It creates a society that abuses their bodies for dopamine hits. It make society addicted to deviancy. You stop caring about your people and the future, and your family. It causes people to develop an irrational attachment to defending abnormal and destructive behaviors, because it has been associated with the dopamine hits that they get from the porn they see.
Sex/porn/masturbation is the worst drug there is. It is all-consuming and DESTROYS those who are exposed to it. All higher pursuits are overshadowed by it.

Why do anything else when it doesn't give as big of a dopamine hit?
Every time you masturbate to pornography you are receiving a dopamine reward (your brain thinks you're reproducing) that your brain then craves. Continuing to do this causes you to become numbed to the high, causing you to need ever-increasingly deviant and extreme material to get the same dopamine reward. This leads to further and further deviant fetishes over time. The slippery slope is real.
All faggots, 'asexuals', trannies, and pedophiles are completely controlled by porn. When 'normal' material no longer gives the same high they look for more extreme filth.
Unsurprisingly the porn industry is completely jewish run.

tl;dr: Sex is for the sole purpose of reproduction. Chasing after dopamine hits with (((porn))) leaves you as a porn-addicted tranny/fag/cuck/pedophile.

>The video.

Stop watching porn and found a gf.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Please give me sauce frenchie!

>People are stupid
>Degenerates are extra stupid
Colour me surprised, user. Make it.... purple

>Asexuals are controlled by porn

If you're going to spam a copypasta at least have it make sense

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A study by (((Xhamster))) showed that more Porn consumption lead to more bisexuality.
Jow Forums taught me this years ago. The "Born with it" myth is bullshit. Traps, yellow fever, cukolding, CP. All fetishes can be programmed if you control the inputs.

In a related side note: Porn has a hypnotic effect on men. It makes them suggestible the way pics of babies affect women. It's why Playboy had political articles. Remember that next time you see a thread with an unrelated hot girl as the pic.

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>Pornhub rep does AMA on Reddit and says it's antisemetic out of the blue to not support incest porn

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These people think they can obtain infinite pleasure, they really think the ancients who decided on sexual morality didn't understand and were just afraid of sex.


Video of one of them

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Disappointing. I expected an actual firecracker to tear his ass apart, not him shoving a christmas ornament up his ass and using one those pussy firecrackers to simply make it break apart in his ass.

Now we gonna talk about fitness thot.

Should Women Train Hard?

Human beings stand, therefore their perineum (pelvic floor muscles) must hold the upper part of their body. The perineum of the woman is weaker than that of the man for several reasons: it has "a hole" in the middle, and it must be weaker to allow the pelvis to widen a little more during pregnancy and to let the child pass through at birth (because we humans have babies with very big heads).

In fact, genetically, the muscular capacity of the female perineum is blocked. If the perineum is relatively too muscular, there is a great danger that it will be severely damaged and torn by childbirth (because it will hold back while the child is going to be pushed through).
If the other muscles are too developed (especially the abdominal muscles), there will be constant pressure on the perineum, which damages it slowly but surely. The same thing applies to all types of jumps, which, if they are regular, cause pressure on the perineum; and the same thing concerns of course weights lifting, because it solicits in particular the perineum, but also the abdominal muscles which constantly will push on this one.

During pregnancy, the hormones make the perineum weaker to allow the pelvis to expand and to allow it to not be damaged during childbirth. This is why all sports and weight lifting during pregnancy are to be avoided.

Kegel exercises that can fix a somewhat damaged perineum after a delivery are much less effective or ineffective among so-called "athletic women", because their problem is not related to the weakness of their perineum (normal in postpartum), but well linked to real damage to the perineum.

These problems are more pronounced and more serious among white women, by the way.

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>Video of one of them
Fuck, that’s hot. Look at him suck that daddy cock like a good boy.

That is amazing. Great thread, and archived as well.

>Stop watching porn and found a gf.
whoa... I love it...

Men are primary humans while women are secondary humans. Male energy is the primary energy of human existence.
Estrogen makes you weaker, hence basedboys and women are weaker than regular men.

All important individuals in history have been men. The world is controlled by shadow jew goverment but only the lesser jews are circumscised because it automatically disperses your male energy.
Every prophet was a man and none of the prophets was circumscised or had too much estrogen, eg. Jesus, Muhammad, and other less known prophets. Even if they were jews, they were the upper jews (Alphas) which are not circumcised. You can tell an upper jew from their oppressive aura, dominating the conversations and general succes in life. You can disrupt them, though, more on that later.

So anyway, to increase your male energy you need discipline. For starters, you need to be able to control your primal urges that god designed to weaken your male energy potential, for this there are some exercises you can do.

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First off, stop falling for the trap that is porn. Porn is like a succubus, when you repeatedly nut it to some pornstar, you are giving them your energy for free. The goverment desires you to watch more and more porn, normalizing it to the masses. This way they can make a meek and weak male population to be controlled by the Alphas.

Masturbating itself is also falling for this trap, you need to harness the natural energy in your semen. The government tries to cover this up, saying things like "oh, you'll get cancer in your balls", but you can't trust these people, there's no reason for them to tell the truth. This is all to stop men from gaining the true power that we're born to have. Do not ever engage in any sexual intercourses with women because they steal your energy.


First and foremost, you need to stop ejaculating. Instead, you should focus on the sexual urges during meditation and disperse them around your body. This is the first step in propagating your male energy to every particle of your body. If you look at your vital body while this is happening, then you'll see it become more uniform, and almost increase in density. This will take a while, but this is your life force growing stronger.
When you are at this introductory level, you might experience wet dreams that will diminish the effects of the training. This happens because your body is still too weak and cant take that much male energy, thus it releases it. The way to stop the wet dreams is simple, use up the excess energy in a way you find suitable.


Use your accumulated male energy to temper all other energy sources in your body. You should be able to sense them with some effort, and you basically want to bombard those sources with your male energy until they're up to standard. If you spot any female energy, remove it. Expel that shit. This should increase the intensity of your life force, if you think of your life force like a flame, it'll be burning brighter and more stably after this process. You should continue the first step during this process, as with more male energy, this will be easier.

This shit can hurt if the other energy types are deeply ingrained, but no pain no gain, you fucking pussy.


Hit the fucking gym. Steel is forged in fire. You've tempered your foundation, you need to go out and engage the body to truly ingrain the power. Feel the flow of your energy while you exercise, this should help you ensure that every particle of your physical body is deeply soaked in the energy. Continue with the first two levels as you do this. You want to properly integrate your energy.

You should start to notice others acquiescing to your will at this point. Your energy will be many times stronger than normal people, and the integration with your physical body will allow even the most mundane to feel that there's something about you, even though their minds are solidly focused on only the physical. At the same time, your spirit and mind will be stronger.

You might also feel the urge to fuck something, since you will have ascended beyond letting out excess energy in your wet dreams, but you need to stay strong.

This is the level I have reached. At this point, I can pretty easily resist the Alphas, since my spirit is strong enough.

Some basic benefits from propagating your male energy across your body:

- Increased physical ability, it's like feeding your entire body the purest T you can get, but without any of that gay steroid shit
- Faster thinking, better problem solving abilities
- Control over your adrenaline glands and even ability to use 100% of your muscle strength
- Increased healing capabilities (see how steroids help athletes recover for a mundane, weaker example of this same principle)
- Stronger presence in the astral plane. This will allow your meditation to be safe from possessions by 4d beings and higher.

There is more but they are up to you to discover.
Requirements before you begin (this is not for the beginners!):

- You need to be biologically male. No half-men or other genetic disorders can train in this.
- At least one month of no fap (you need to be fully charged before you begin).
- Low estrogen level (basedboys will have no gains).
- High level meditation technique (of your choice).
- High visualization abilities (of your inner body).
- Energy control technique (if you can't control your energy, then go back to fucking basics, it'll take twice the effort for half the result)

your sacrifice will be remembered
may we bathe in your suffering and attain true knowledge


why ~ hopefully hes dead or colostomy bagged now

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What the fuck?

Males and females have differing biological builds and neurological builds which in turn lead to differing psychological patterns overall. These psychological patterns, known chiefly in an overarching sense as masculine and feminine, were originally evolved to lead to the sex's own best interests.

Over thousands of years of doing this repeatedly, males and females evolved two general respective psychological styles known as masculinity and femininity, which in turn means those specializations may take a long time to change on a fundamental level. This means that if males and females evolved psychological builds that lend themselves to performing tasks that at one point were beneficial, but now are considered "dark," then they will have to be heavily taught, trained, and to truly root that "darkness" out, evolved over generations to not engage in these once beneficial, but now "dark" trains of thought.

However, for males and females, there is no dark or light side: only their own overall best interests. This means if it is in the best interests of females or males to do something evil, they will overall by default try to do it. This is not the case when mass manipulation or heavily enforced cultural norms promote actions to the contrary.

The best way to defend against the "dark side" of females or males, is to make it in their best interests to not do "dark" acts or make it in their best interests to do something alternative to the "dark" acts. And naturally, these best interests can be achieved through either reward or punishment.

Meditation is pushed by Jews to get people demonically possessed.

Is there a gif? I want a gif

>makes an anti-porn thread
>posts softcore porn

No shit, they glow like the fucking sun.

Not of the thot, of the exploding asshole.

Thank you for this post, friend. Fuck the ZOG and fuck what this god forsaken country has become.

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Oh shit I'm sorry.

Is there anything to gain back what I’ve lost from circumcision?

any way*


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No problem.

honestly, I expected that to be worse. I was hoping for an explosion sans christmas ornament

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Why doesn't she do something about those hairs on her nips?

>Males and females have differing biological builds and neurological builds which in turn lead to differing psychological patterns overall
I can't believe how something this fundamental is going ignored by so many people.
Neurochemistry and biological imperatives are absolute ffs.

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They’re perfectly mentally stable

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Jesus christ...



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Will this ever end?

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bigots, don't be so afraid of other people's sexual desires. Its not like he's hurting anyone. The priests did worse

>It's not a mental illness
>BTFOs its own asshole with firecrackers.

>Stop watching porn and found a gf
>try and try and try and try
>its absolutely hopeless
>human connection impossible
>the damage is done

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Post more veela

rip fellow yang ganger

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