How make friends??!

How make friends??!

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Stop posting overused memes for starters

fens are a waste of time
maybe only internet frens are okay

b urself

goose posting will never be old or overused

I don't even know who you're talking about

ryan gosling

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I'm afraid i haven't seen jewllywood for a while

Ryan Gosling is not and will never be overrated

I do this and make people laugh, they even think I’m funny but not a single one ever want to hangout!

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Maybe you aren't yourself hard enough

Probably this


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Don't. You can't trust anyone in this world. Keep your third eye open, soldier. Stiffen that upper lip.


how to make gf?

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>tfw group of great friends even though I'm really old

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I’m not to that step yet

Must be nice except for the old part

I've had a good run. Best case scenario you end up old yourself.

Best case scenario I die in some big wars for get remembered as a really cool guy

They don't do big wars like they used to.

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Yeah, I didn’t say it was a likely scenario

Why don't you do friends?

It’s not for lack of trying, I just don’t feel right always trying to talk with one person and I’m interesting so there’s that