Some Jow Forumslack just shot up a whole bunch of people

some Jow Forumslack just shot up a whole bunch of people

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This video is cringe. Not gonna lie

Liked and Subscribed.

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shit goes down at 6:31 btw

Wew lad

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what's wrong with the kiwi did his sheep break up with him

where was this?

and the video is down, good find tho up

Wait for liveleak. I loaded it so it's still going for me

The day of the rope is finally here

Liveleak version

OMG do New Zealanders really do this? We need to do something about the New Zealand gun laws

All white people should be forcibly converted to Islam to prevent this from happening again

>This video has been removed for violating YouTube's Terms of Service
Context pls? Jow Forums is legitimately to shit to even bother lurking for info.

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some nz guy killed 40 people
probably r/banter poster

>driving on the leftside of the road

Do kiwis really do this??

>subscribe to pewdiepie
>drives into mosque playing remove kebab
>shoots atleast 30 people dead
>shoots a scream woman and then runs over her body while playing GAS GAS GAS
its over for imageboards
nice shitposting u guys

wtf I hate white people now

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You spelt wh*te"""""""""""""""""people"""""""""""""""""



I wanna see...vid down

Yea, 503'd.

Imagine being non-white in America, baka.


Works fine for me.


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what an asshole

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This is your mind on Jow Forums. Muslims don't belong in 1st world countries, but this guy killed inoccents thinking that would fix anything. If anything, it's gonna fuck New Zealand up and help more gun control be passed and more muslims be imported.

It did that at first for me too. Then I tried again and it started working. Weird.

Yeah, it was more of an observation of the traffic it gets at the moment

biggest autist ive ever seen in my life

haha what a goddamed faggot i hope satan is sodomizing him with a tree on the fifth circle
of hell


get a load of this killjoy

tbqh I don't even know what that is.

F* uck off shlomo

all he needed was a hug

I'm bringing you entertainment boy. Calm your tits.

maybe a new term for eco-terorist. Who want to murder people who drive gas guzzlers, or throw recyclables in the trash, or hunt animals for sport.


he is memeing you dipshits

dont care he is still a total faggot lmao,like accelerationist throwing his people under the bus lmao,whitey is doomed and this type of people are the reason

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lmao what a lad

>two central Christchurch mosques

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really, is that the reason?
so how do we save whitey, in your opinion, user? what type of people are going to do it?

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is this on eight chan?

Yeah, but I'm sure posts on 4/pol/ as well.

Did you edit this, or was it liveleak? It only has the part where he gets out of his car and marches to the mosque.

Saw the full vid before, so someone edited this afterwards.

idk, I found the link on /b/

Oh, it even says "edited", missed that.

yeah probably. fucking australians kek

Sheep fuckers are not Australian.

He was on a mission for sheepkind. Muslims eat too much lamb.

one of the guys was australian, the other one was kiwi i think.

I never said what he did was good. He is a piece of shit not arguing that, but you gotta admit he did it in style.

How did guns get into No guns Zland?

Not today

i just created a shitty theory about a cycle of continuous hate beetween people that will make people explode and doing shitty things that in the end just adds more people to the cycle and the cycle will only end when an apocalyptic-grade clusterfuck happens that changes the whole diagram
how tru is it ?

copypasting this transcript from /qa/
>0:31 - "Remember lads, subscribe to Pewdiepie."
>0:40 - Shooter starts driving.
>1:12 - Shooter starts playing the REMOVE KEBAB song.
>3:09 - Shooter parks his car, shows his face for the first time.
>4:23 - "Alright, times up" - Shooter starts driving again. There's something flashing below and to the right of his steering wheel, which later turns out to be from one of his rifles.
>4:48 - REMOVE KEBAB ends. A new song stars playing.
>5:05 - Guy pulls into an alley next to the mosque and into a car park. He U-turns and drives back.
>5:54 - Shooter parks at the entrance of the alley, takes one rifle, and gets out. He opens his boot and pulls out another rifle.
>6:17 - Shooter leaves the alley and goes to the mosque.
>6:28 - Shooter enters through the gates.
>6:38 - Shooter takes aim at the open entrance of the mosque and starts firing rounds. In the span of 20 seconds, he shoots and kills at LEAST twenty people. He apparently throws magazines around so that he can pick them up and use them later.
>7:12 - Shooter reloads and begins shooting more people. After the shooting ceases, more moans can be heard. He reloads and shoots at the bodies again, apparently to just make sure he kills.
>8:09 - The shooter apparently brought a radio in? You can hear this song in the mosque: I think it's on his person.
At this point he's just killing anything that makes the slightest movement.
>8:52 - Shooter gets the fuck out and runs onto the footpath. He shoots down the footpath in both directions at unknown target. I think you can faintly hear a kid scream "MOM!"
>9:22 - Shooter runs back to his car. He gets another rifle. He seems to have red bottles that could be full of petrol? I guess his plan was to burn the mosque down.
>10:00 - Shooter finds another entrance to the mosque and shoots at it.
Second part coming.

>10:15 - "???? virges today boys" - Probably about the 72 virgins? Resumes shooting.
>10:30 - Shooter reenters mosque. The two bodies at the front are bleeding. He goes back into the main area where the huddled bodies are and keeps shooting them. I think there's about 25-30 in that huddle, and another smaller huddle of about 20 at the other side of the room. There's a LOT of moaning. I think there's at LEAST 55 dead.
>11:46 - Shooter runs outside. He sees a woman walking on the footpath and shoots her twice. She falls. The shooter goes out and shoots her twice again. I think there's another body out the front. As the shooter walks past her, she cries "Help me! Help me!". He then shoots her twice in the head, killing her. This fucked me UP.
>12:16 - Shooter gets back into the car, runs over the dead woman, and gets the fuck out. No fucking cops, by the way.
>12:35 - "Did not go as planned! *chuckles* Fuckin' Christ!"
>12:51 - Shooter stops, grabs a pump-action shotgun, and shoots through his windshield at a couple of people. There's another song playing.
>13:20 - Shooter stops, sees an old lady (I think), pumps his shotgun, and shoots her through the passenger side window.
>13:30 - You can hear him breathing heavily as he speeds away.
>14:25 - Says some more shit. I can't be bothered.
>14:45 - He mentions fuel and that he planned to burn down the mosque. So that was petrol in the back of his car. "Shit happens." He talks more about the firefight. He "had no time to aim because there were so many people" so he had to pick up the magazines and fire instantly, implying he spilled them perhaps?
>15:22 - An ambulance siren can be heard going the other way, presumably to the mosque. "GAS GAS GAS" from Initial D starts playing. He's still speeding away in moderate traffic. (In)appropriate, I guess?

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thanks user

full stream back-up by the way:

thanks for the opinion man,i will try to be better the next time



thank you

Oh, thanks. I think I know all I need to know unless the whole second shooter thing turns out to be legit.

so, where we going if both here and infinity get shut down?

Guns are legal in New Zealand

not for long amirite eyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Are they Murica levels of access or is it highly restricted gun control?

I can just imagine 4/pol/ just getting lopped from the site and their ilk flooding into Jow Forums overwhelming the board, killing it for the 56th time

just believe
in mine craft Steve

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check it out, bulgaria mentioned

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this was what he had written on his magazines

I also read that his twitter profile banner was a pic of the aftermath of the Bastille Day Massacre in France. Just a fucked up story overall. Wonder if 8ch will just be deleted outright.

What happened in Bulgaria?

he just wrote down a couple of battles on his magazines

nah, i doubt it. maybe they'll have their hosting pulled or something and they'll need some time to migrate.

Link's dead, new link?

here ya go

BREAKING NEWS! Jewish YouTuber Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg known on the popular social media platform YouTube as "Pewdiepie", was the main co-conspirator behind the greatest mass shooting in New Zealand's history which left around 40 people dead. Felix paid former US Marine and best "subscriber bro" Samuel Hyde to carry out the shooting so that he would receive more subscribers on his YouTube channel caused by the popularity of Samuel's live stream video. More details to follow soon.

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thanks for the tip, just uploaded it to my news site

wow, new zealand leaders are fucked up

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So it's another day of you falling on your face because the rope you used to hang yourself broke.

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no way thats real haha

Real talk bros. Are sites like Jow Forums genuinely dangerous with the ideas some people spread? This isn't even the first time one of us posted before committing a massacre. Remember Chris Mercer who posted on Jow Forums before he shot up his school?

oh it's real

>Rants on a violent religion, then quotes another religion with a violent past.

This is too perfect.

I can not fucking believe this is real lmfao

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He's right though.
The mandatory "diversity" agenda plaguing the Western world is evil and should be stopped.
Huge masses of Christians aren't invading (sorry, immigrating) into Muslim countries and wouldn't be allowed to even if they wanted to.
The reverse shouldn't be occurring either and white people shouldn't have to sacrifice their peaceful societies for the never ending problems of diversity when they never wanted it in the first place and for people they never felt obligation to in the first place and for globalist ideals of the sort of united mankind they never believed in the first place and most of the selfish entitled immigrants don't believe in either.
Its the globalist fault this happened just as all the other terror attacks that killed whites were there fault.
Close the borders, let people choose their shared identities and who they live with and end the fucking madness.

If that's the case do you really think the time to convince people of that, as a politician, is right after a bunch of muslims get gunned down? He's being counter productive. He's making it harder to fix the problem he claims to exist.

tl;dr: Jow Forumstards are stupid


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edgelords need to go back to Jow Forums