hello Jow Forums im feeling pretty lonely right now. its night and stuff and nobody is responding to me.
Hello Jow Forums im feeling pretty lonely right now. its night and stuff and nobody is responding to me
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No one wants to talk with homos
thanks! im happy now!
it's because you don't respond back
I know that feel
Go the fuck to bed white boi!!!
Post lewds pls
your so mean user :(
i do repsond all the time! i think people have gotten sick of me or something
he just did
How's your day?
How is life in Norway right now?
it felt really boring. kinda got heart pains from thinking of my friends so i cant sleep or those thoughts pop up.
its good i guess. kinda bored of my everyday life
but you never respond to me :(
no he didn't
wut i never do!? im sorry user! im sure i respon to all anons who directly post to me i think
What do you do day to day? School? Uni? Work?
That’s because you don’t want to talk about the Christchurch mosque shooting
i wake up. wait for train. wait for bus. go to school. wait for bus. take train. go home. waste time. sleep. repeat cycle
i already did that lots. even saw the whole thing. now its boring
It’s fucking BASED
saged & hidden
kill yourself
not really. the memes were funny for like 2 hours. for me its already burned out
I know how that feels. It sucks the life out of you.
its okey. it could be worse. i have online friends to talk to i guess
Still routines like that just depress me.
yeah. also finally gonna play with a friend. its csgo tho... eh well see u. thanks for talking with me. im really happy u came here and talked with me
What a miserable cunt to laugh at a tragedy
You're welcome. Hope you'll have fun with CS.
yeah whatever. we are all like this. wether u are honest or not. people have laughed at me a lot when i was in pain. who cares. clearly people who can do nothing about it. the suffering is already there.
thanks. he had to shit lole
What a scumbag you are 49 families lost someone dear to them that’s nothing compared to you being bullied because you’re an incel. Apologize.
Fuck off burger-muncher, it was absolutely hilarious, especially when the guy who tried to tackle him got blown to kingdom come
hello ritsu-san :3
Disgusting people like you are why the world is going down the tubes you should be ashamed of yourself I’m sure your mother is
fug it got canceled. well im here again
im not a incel nor have i been bullied. i am mentally ill tho so eh maybe sometjhing is wrong with me or whatever. let me tell you this. do you care for all the suffering you needed to just stay alive? all the food. all those animals were killed off yet we cant even pay respect to them. we mock those animals and look down upon them. yet when a human dies its like the biggest shit ever.
hello :3
mental illness isnt a choice.
it doesnt play a factor on emotions - a branch of the rational faculty.
>it doesnt play a factor on emotions
im pretty sure mental illness does have a influence on emotions. well maybe not all of them but some.
on the same authorities that tells you that you the conscious doesnt exist, that created the 'therapeutic state' where bad thoughts are 'cured'.
mental illnesses does not have a role on emotions or on the rational faculty.
the entire branch of science that says so is wrong.
I think you are in dire need of therapy yourself. That or you should really shut up about something you have no clue about.
Thomas Szasz has been under fire for his work all his life and his arguments about the medical side of psychotherapy have been proven false time and time again. Does he have some points about the morality of treatment practises? Absolutely. But his points about the medical side are absolute shite.
Oh yeah also his critic was mostly about treatment practises that haven't been in use for decades by 2007+12. Point is, he is a hack that has no idea what he is talking about from a purely scientific standpoint.
His arguments are what I hold.
And consensus shouldnt be what determines truth.
How about facts? Scientific work and research is literally based on peer reviewed data which one can call consensus. And Szasz has none of that. He makes claims without backing them up with factual provable data. He basically wrote opinion pieces and disguised them as scientific works, which is wrong on a moral and factual level.
>Animals lives are just as valuable as humans
Lol you are an incel
The foundation of his point and his main critc's is based on the idea of mind-body role.
Your so called consensus piled onto materialism, to one-material-ism to justify their entire science. ie the behaviourists wanted to be able to reduce the mind into the same as the body.
the critic depends on the above point as a means to deny the autonomy of the mind and create mental illness as a wholly paralyzing/full-uncontrolled affliction to the mind
his point was about the disdain and mocking of animals.
animals are at the same point as certain human beings who dont use their minds, brain-damaged individuals and possibly undeveloped children. it isnt right to mock or disdain these entities, nor necessary to kill them