You have to kidding me.
Just googled this
yeah, No jkjkjk, lololol
I heart your fucking makeup, oh my God, I love your hair
Is that a new tattoo? Did that piercing fucking hurt?
No jkjkjk, lololol
its legit lol
>no funny tabs
Scrolled down.
White couple gives birth to black baby.
Imagine being so cukked.
>being happy
fucking furries gfto
>ape and white woman
What did they mean by this?
You could just use an alternative browser user.
I do, also stop being such a triggered Jow Forumstard. They're just a bunch of shitty posers.
The shaboon we need
hERO id
lol holy fuck it's true
>you're just now discovering this
Type in literally anything like this, like "European inventors," and you'll get similar shit.
>usa is cucked
Imagine my shock
Google your people and post results
why does it give you black people?
do you want the honest answer or the meme answer
hERO ID checked now do an hero
also I'm surprised I get the exact result
The nose tribe is to blame.
i found this one
then i zoomed int