Just googled this

You have to kidding me.

Attached: Screenshot 2019-03-15 at 9.38.12 PM.png (1366x768, 629K)

yeah, No jkjkjk, lololol
I heart your fucking makeup, oh my God, I love your hair
Is that a new tattoo? Did that piercing fucking hurt?
No jkjkjk, lololol

its legit lol

>no funny tabs


Attached: ss+(2018-07-25+at+10.52.03).png (997x1197, 718K)

Scrolled down.

Attached: Screenshot 2019-03-15 at 9.57.53 PM.png (1366x768, 907K)

White couple gives birth to black baby.
Imagine being so cukked.

>being happy

fucking furries gfto


>ape and white woman
What did they mean by this?

You could just use an alternative browser user.
I do, also stop being such a triggered Jow Forumstard. They're just a bunch of shitty posers.

The shaboon we need

hERO id

Attached: benis is coming.jpg (1200x923, 194K)

lol holy fuck it's true

>you're just now discovering this
Type in literally anything like this, like "European inventors," and you'll get similar shit.

>usa is cucked
Imagine my shock

Attached: lol.jpg (1892x964, 311K)

Google your people and post results

Attached: paddies.png (1924x1030, 1.77M)

why does it give you black people?


do you want the honest answer or the meme answer


hERO ID checked now do an hero

also I'm surprised I get the exact result

The nose tribe is to blame.

i found this one

Attached: Screenshot_20190316-191850_Chromium.jpg (1200x1920, 810K)

then i zoomed int

Attached: Screenshot_20190316-191900_Chromium.jpg (1200x1920, 681K)


Attached: Screenshot_20190316-191906_Chromium.jpg (1200x1920, 920K)