Give me a few good reasons on why you think that Jow Forums is currently better than Reddit. Pic unrelated

Give me a few good reasons on why you think that Jow Forums is currently better than Reddit. Pic unrelated.

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I post on Jow Forums but don't post on reddit

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It isn't both are equally shit

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They each have their charm.
Jow Forums is anonymous, so you can say whatever you feel like.
Reddit is more a site for u to collect subreddits for stuff you like and wanna follow. And at the same time, you can farm karma.
I like both and i use both.

reddit is facebook-tier content. voting system promotes lowest common denominator content and shuns anything that goes against hivemind. it has very strong political bias and censorship varies from moderate to full retard. the auditory is either underage, neckbeard atheists or numales. to name a few

Jow Forums is anonymous and has free speech
On reddit you get banned for typing the no-no words

Because r*ddit is the kind of site that will ban multiply (((offensive))) subreddits in response to a mass shooting

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this is where my fellow redditors hang out. reddit is full of tumblrinas anyways.


also pewdiepie had to close his subreddit down because of this

The censorship on reddit is absolutely god awful, even when compared to here. The moderators and admins of most subreddits are extremely ban-happy and the god awful up/downvote system suppresses differing opinions, stifling any semblance of free speech the site may have left.

People unironically believing this place doesn't self-moderate to the tits to censor any outside opinions. Healthy dose of irony right there

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thats a good thing though


>You can post anonymously or with a tripcode
>Fewer restrictions
>No internet points

I got downvoted for a very lighthearted ontopic oneliner on reddit and I think I'm banned there.
You can't downvote me here.

>cringe and bluepilled
I just did

But you literally gave me a (You).

>Cringe and (you)pilled

I don't know how reddit is but I like to be an user that can disagree with others

Why do you have to post on every thread Faggot? If you like Plebbit so much why don’t you go there?

You okay son?

1. insufferable community
2. shitty upvote system silencing unpopular opinions
3. censoring
4. no anonymity

yolandi wtf

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Redditors are boring. I use it if I need to get information on a topic but not go there willfully for entertainment

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Reddit is the new Tumblr
I can't unsee it now

Kek, Le reddit