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Welcome to my thread, friends.

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You may sip if you'd like! Remember to stay hydrated. Thanks for dropping by, friend!

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I want to FUCK Kanna

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Thank you friend, hydration is important.
How are you holding up today?

Indeed! I am doing very well today! Best in a long time. Enjoying a little tea at the moment. How are you?

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I'm making scones, want some?

Oh yes, thank you very much!

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>enjoying a little tea
What kind of tea?
>How are you?
Not too great, but I’d much rather just take my mind off of things.

I don't have a very good camera, but it's a raw pu'erh I'm really happy with. I normally like ripe ones better, but this one is very mild but has a nice edge, like in a good citrusy way!
I understand, you just relax and hang out if you want. I'm sure things will get better.

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henlo Niceway
Stay warm and cozy
goobai Niceway

>cursed ID
life is hell

Hi! Thank you, hope you also stay comfy. Have a nice day.

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I rember these threads. :^)
How you doin?

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Bumstead! It's been so long! I'm doing great, what about you?

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I just woke up and saw this thread, so I'm doing good.
Any plans for the day?

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>I don’t have a very good camera
The image quality looks fine to me desu, plus we have a 2 mb image limit again anyways.
>it’s a raw pu’erh
I haven’t ever tried that, does it taste like anything or does it have a completely unique taste?
>you just relax and hang out if you want
Thanks friend, we /comfy/ now.

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what you doing here all of a sudden

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you can't keep using us as an emotional cruch forever

BsAndTbs ID

Good morning!
It's saturday, so I'm making some lasagna and watching movies. I used to take movie suggestions in my old threads, and ended up really getting into movies as a result. Today's movie is The Matrix.

Pu'erh is pretty distinct. I like it a lot. Raw pu'erh kinda tastes like a strong green tea or oolong mixed with the aroma of citrus peel and freshly mowed lawn I think. There's a lot of taste differences between brands and storage conditions as well as storage time, so you can get very different results.
Ripe pu'erh has been artificially aged and as a result, it is a lot more mellow. It has a taste which I can't really compare to other teas. It's very nice. Imagine a really nice mild black tea with no acidity, mixed with the aroma of wet hay and an autumn forest. Or fresh rainfall on a dirt road. Sorry if it makes no sense.

I'm just hanging out with my friends. How are you?

I know, but i really appreciate you and hope it lasts for as long as possible.

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>Sorry if it makes no sense
Tea can be quite difficult to describe really, but I think I understood the description you were going for there.
Is it better to get it from a store or can I potentially order it online?

Ooo that sounds like a hecka cozy day. A nice lasagna sounds good.
i'm glad it's the weekend, been dying to relax.

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Norway! Nice to see you. I am an user from your thread the other day etc. etc.
Do you live in Oslo? I went there once

I would recommend getting it online. I use Yunnan Sourcing mostly, since they're a reputable seller who don't deal in fakes. If you use ebay or aliexpress, you risk getting really bad quality tea. I think Yunnan Sourcing has a US warehouse, so shipping might be pretty cheap for you as well. Teavivre has some decent pu'erh, but I normally only use that site to order green tea, which I have been happy with. It has a much smaller selection.

If you want a high quality cheap ripe pu'erh I would recommend the Menghai V93. It comes in 100g bricks and is one of the few teas I've tried which I am convinced you could happily drink straight out of the production line, but it does get fantastic with proper aging. Yunnan Sourcing also has some great mini tuos, which are both cheap and practical, and in my experience, some of the best pu'erh you can get in their price range.

Good raw pu'erh is normally much more expensive, since it requires a bit of aging before it becomes pleasant to drink in my opinion. If you can find a 5-10 years (or more) aged xiaguan brick, that might be a good option which won't cost a lot.

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for once I don't want to kill myself

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almost owo id

Weekends are nice. You don't have to feel bad for kicking back and relaxing with your feet on the table.

Hello! No, I don't, but I used to work there quite a few years ago. How did you like Oslo? I think it's an alright place, but it's a bit cluttered. Easy to get lost.

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True that. i just need to relax and take a break, wish it wasn't raining so i could work outside though.

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I'm glad to hear that. Please don't hurt yourself. Life is worth living.

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ok but what nice things have you done today
weren't you doing sewing or something before how did that go

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I'm working on a scarf in honour of my grandmother. I do sewing as well, although I'm waiting on a course to start up so I can get some tutoring so I can get better faster. Turns out there's a lot more to learn about sewing fabrics than I thought, and I can't do it all by myself.
Life is pretty quiet right now, which I'm glad for.

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I have to go shopping now. See you later!

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See you later!

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>Easy to get lost.
Funny you say that, toward the end of my trip I got very lost and couldn't find my hotel.
I thought it was very nice, it was my first time to any place in Europe so it was cool being in the midst of a different culture.