Whit dae you lot think o’ a Scottish accent?

Whit dae you lot think o’ a Scottish accent?

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it's pretty cute when girls have it

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very grating
not particularly charming
still better than american accent

irish accent probably best accent

Bun ID

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Silly aussie, you have the best accent!

I like it but not as good as the Ireland

at least its not scandinavian accent

worst accent from the british isles tbhlad

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odd way to spell *nglo, friend

>tfw no QT redhead Scottish gf who’s into folk music
Why live, bong?

redheads are reddit

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On girls it sounds hot.
On guys it either sounds intellectual, or beer drinking maniac not unlike the depiction of the Norf FC.


red heads are master race

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most look like this desu

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ugly ginger munters ew ew ew

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>T. dirty dark haired Anglo

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Her name better be Luna or Selena.

blonde’s more common than ginger or dark hair where I live
probably moira

my absolute dream is a Scottish red haired tomboy gf to go hiking and have batnz with

>blonde’s more common than ginger or dark hair where I live

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t. mutt that thinks blonde is attractive because it’s “rare”

no blonde hair isn't rare to me I grew up around a lot of people with blonde hair I'm blonde myself and I prefer women with red or dark hair to women with blonde hair

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alri enjoy your ginger mingers lad xx

dude there are tons of hot ginger girls

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and each would be more attractive if they had different coloured hair
I can’t find redheads attractive, they just look like ginger cunts

I'm glad I'm in the niche here. Y'all can have your kawaii waifus. More redhead chicks for me lol

My dream woman is a redhead from Ireland or Scotland

every one has there own preferences I guess

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You're not really; redheads are fairly fetishised here.