Be european

be european
spend thousands of years fighting each other just to expand border 20 feet
cause 2 world wars within less than 30 years
>those americans are warmongers!!!1!!1!1oneone

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It only proves the cheapness of your soil.

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>be American
>be euro colony
>spend 200 years fighting naked guys with bows to take over lands
>tell everyone you alone won the world wars
>lose to rice farmers and camel fuckers
we waz great once MAGA

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we didnt lose vietnam
vietnam lost us
(also france lost vietnam, european imperialist lost all their colonies from literal slaves and australia lost to birds lol)

>be America
>lose to everything admit nothing
(bald eagle tears)

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I wish I were American

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in Australia the liberal party are the conservatives

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>pants shit

really makes you think. you're so liberal and gay that your conservatives are liberals. i shudder to think of the mega liberals that are in australia

yeah except americans don't think, they are all too fat and stupid and don't care unless the supply of burgers is slowed down

i notice lots of australians brag about how much better their beer is because it has more alcohol. i too would need more alcohol to forget the fact that i live in australia of all places

Shut the fuck up

americans are retarded

I notice how americans brag about everything being bigger in America
it has to be to be in scale with their fat asses


tired of your dumb fucking posts you fucking retard

>we didnt lose vietnam

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America has been at war for 222 out of the 239 years it has existed.

>we didnt lose vietnam

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i want to make quote without (you) other poster

lol... the weak come backs made this so much more delicious

easily amused aren't you, you basic cunt

do you giggle at weather forecasts too?

>wow australia sucks so they drink a lot such banta
it doesn't even make sense, no australian has ever said australian beer is good ever and its at like 3.5%.

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War was extension of royal policies of absolutist empires. No empires, no wars. Say no to imperialism, trumpets.

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America, making fun of anyone? ever?

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if only i too had some Australian beer so i could more easily forget your posts

Tell me who you are quoting.

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which ones

so you payed this months beer licence
use it to wash the taste of government anus from your lips m8

your mums fartchamber

be America
some people in the South bring some black people to pick cotton
war ensues because muh human rights
give them freedom but create Jim Crow laws
fight ensues because muh human rights
create a barely controlled immigration system
can't deport people because muh human rights
blacks turn every city they inhabit to shit
spend millions on welfare and aid to Africa because muh human rights
get riots every time a black person is killed
enforce political correctness because muh human rights
basically continue to reverse colonize yourself to niggers and unable to deport them because of the rules you made for yourself
but it's ok because muh human rights and at least you're better than Europeans who fought 2 world wars which you claim to have won

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i told you
we didnt lose vietnam
vietnam lost us
>sun never sets on britain
>night still falls
retarded brits
>be russian
i only read text this long when the writer isnt a confirmed retard that lost 3/4 of his braincells from vodka

your gen Z supports socialism unironically
so joke's on you pal, you're going to where we've managed to escape from
>i only read text this long when the writer isnt a confirmed retard that lost 3/4 of his braincells from vodka
i only take replies seriously when the writer isnt a confirmed obese mutt that lost 3/4 of his braincells from meth, weed and diabeetus

>we didnt lose vietnam

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the whole point of vietnam was to show that America was so rich and powerful we could fight a war on the other side of the planet while giving up basically nothing in terms of material standard of living. In fact, America is so rich and the war so long that by the time it was done, most Americans were better off than when it had started. Comepare that to the results of the Communists, who despite having the benefit of short supply lines, access to millions of cheap soldiers, and supplies from nearby Communist powers, all emerged from the war much poorer than they had started it

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Damn, this went from seemingly fun banter to an actual argument real fast

because some people can dish it out but can't take it

>korean war (1950-1953)
>vietnam war (1955-1975)
>first war in Afghanistan america finance the mujahedin (1979-1989) >gulf war (1990-1991)
>Afghanistan war (2001-still in progress)
>iraq war (2003-2011)

europeans are pretty butthurt desu
thats alot to take from someones wwhos computer is powered by the leftover potatos that werent used to make your alcohol

people died in one day of battle in both world wars than most of these. dont make me copy and paste all your wars caused by arguing whos the gayest

btw hint its you lmao

My country has never lost a war againist other countries

yeah but u lost the war against evolution lmao

If we only lost wars to ourselves we are evolving and eliminating the weakest. You lost a war to farmers, by evolutionary logic, they are superior.

i didnt expect something so philisophical from a sopa de macaco

Thread had some good banter potential from all sides desu

>we didnt lose Vietnam