Alrighty Jow Forumsards.
This is an international board. Post your favourite insult from your own country. If it's not in english, translate it for us.
As an Australian, my favourite insult native to my country is:
"Go get ya guts fucked."
Alrighty Jow Forumsards.
This is an international board. Post your favourite insult from your own country. If it's not in english, translate it for us.
As an Australian, my favourite insult native to my country is:
"Go get ya guts fucked."
Other urls found in this thread:
Also, when referring to people as ugly.
"Cunt's got a head like a dropped pie"
"Bitch had a face like a bucket of smashed crabs"
Yeah, that one's a beauty ;)
Another fat joke gem from the same guy is something along the lines of "this guy cooks on a George Foreman grill just to drink from the grease tray"
I have no favorite insult, so I'll just go with classic
czarnuch, smoluch, asfalt, mokebe - nigger
pedał, cwel, ciota - faggot
I like that one!
Another of my old australian faves:
"He's got a face like the north end of a south bound cow".
It's only found in Tunisian slang language, the word itself originates from the Berbers with slight modification by the arabs. In most cases it means dick but the amount of potential combinations makes it extremely versatile
how would you spell it in english
The ع does not exist in english
The closest you can get is asba
Australia has some great insults, and interjections/slang in general. One time an Aussie exchange student at my school said "FUCK A DEAD DINGO" to express surprise; is that a common phrase in Aus or is that just him?
Another good local fav of mine (Pittsburgh area) is just the phrase "jagoff". Very fun insult to use.
Just him. Was probably playing it up for the foreigners. People walk out of this country sounding like corporate shills, hit another country and are all of a sudden steve irwin clones.
Only term people use dingo for around here is "I'm as dry as a dead dingo's donger" (donger meaning dick, dry meaning thirsty, aka I need a beer)
Also, are you sure that's not "Jack Off"
Also it's very old and not in circulation any more, but we used to refer to americans as "Seppos".
Septic tanks = Yanks
Can never go wrong with calling someone a Yankee sympathizer
Nope, jagoff. I'm pretty sure it's even related to masturbation etymology-wise. It basically just means "retard" or "asshole", just a general purpose insult.
Anyway, that makes sense; guy always seemed to like overplaying his aussieness and fucking with people.
NOT even related, rather
Yeah, I've heard that before online. Comes from cockney slang or something, right?
I like the word "köcsög" because it's only an insult if you want it to be. Normally, it means jug or pitcher, but it means faggot as an insult.
Lol. It's jackoff.
It's just the way your colloquial slurring makes it sound.
Jack off
To jack off is to masturbate. When you call somebody "Jack off" you're exactly calling them a wanker.
yessir, cockney rhyming slang
the native instrument of kekistan
A classic from the South
"Bless your heart!"
because you have no fucking brain
when I was a little shit I liked to say
'your mums cunt looks like a half sucked mango'
now I just use any insults that come to mind
"I've seen better heads in a butcher shop window, ya cunt"
fine and dandy
i can't remember the last time i insulted someone
have a shitcunt politician called Jeff Kennett down here that once pulled a beauty full in the middle of parliament.
He got on the microphone and claimed that the speaker had a yellow line where his spine should be.
The overseer told him to correct his remark so he said.
"I apologise for saying that the speaker has a yellow line where his spine is supposed to be.
As a matter of fact, he has NO SPINE AT ALL"
was a golden fucking moment, even if he is a cunt.
have a shitcunt politician called Jeff Kennett down here that once pulled a beauty full in the middle of parliament.
He got on the microphone and claimed that the speaker had a yellow line where his spine should be.
The overseer told him to correct his remark so he said.
"I apologise for saying that the speaker has a yellow line where his spine is supposed to be.
As a matter of fact, he has NO SPINE AT ALL"
was a golden fucking moment, even if he is a cunt.
dunno why that double posted.
Nah man, just pulled this off google for some proof:
>According to Barbara Johnstone, professor of English and linguistics at Carnegie Mellon University,[6] the term has its roots in the northern British Isles, an area that supplied many immigrants to Pittsburgh.[7] It is derived from the verb "to jag". which means "to prick or poke".[7] Johnstone said that among local Pittsburghers, "Nobody thinks of these derivatives of 'jag' as obscene",[7] though non-local fellow Americans often mishear "jagoff" as the much more offensive slang term "jack off".
It's just an amusing coincidence that confuses non-locals
Someone who's been fucked in the ass, roughly
america: your dick the size of a twinkie
"hey you ****ing ******, suck my ****ing moist **** you ****headded pedophile ****
Face like a stuntman's knee
You smell of child, and of lacking balls
Fridge raider
Black Albino
Cu de apertar linguiça = Sausage squeezing ass
akhu/ebin sharmoota: brother/son of a whore
pretty basic but the way you say it is so satisfying for some reason
ebin :-DDD
Kanker lijer, means cancer sufferer
The best English insult is Tosser. Also, we call Welsh people 'sheep shaggers'.
i like when canadian or australian people say someone or something is fucked meaning it's fucked up and sick/wrong as opposed to the generic or american fucked meaning something is broken or damaged beyond repair especially if use them both in the same sentence using only emphasis and pronunciation to differentiate between the two
go sit back down in ur massage chair u poof.
Fuck off
Ass violin
"Pičko ti mater"
It is often said as "jebem ti pičko materno"
The first (which is the most commonly used one) just means "your mother's pussy", the second one means "I fuck your mother's pussy".
These aren't necissarily used as insults, though, it's extremely versitile. You could say "to pičko materno okno", which would mean "this mother's pussy window", and it would be grammatically correct.
Vas te faire foutre un œuf
Go stick an egg inside yourself