Roll for which one you are

Roll for which one you are

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How'm I sposed to roll when there are only 5.
Bad thread.

Fuck off Judas I refuse to sell my soul for 12k a year

cringe discord tranny trasspassing Jow Forums thinking he can promote commies here

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me on the right

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Choke start a shotgun shareblue nigger.

>a fucking leaf
Eat shit you goddamn foregin influcer.

Shut up shill

they are shills, they are on /b/
It’s incredible how inorganic and forced this Yang shit is coming from, it’s basically a knockoff of 2016 Trump memes.

*they are on /b/ too

They're all shills. Goddammit who thought it was a good idea to use Jow Forums as a political vocal point?
All it brings is the unwashed faggots

desu I've heard the arguments and I'm pretty sure anyone who doesn't like Yang is a cuck. The only people who don't already get a thousand dollars a month are white, and since it's not compatible with other benefits it basically just cuts everyone who wasn't abusing the system in. Trump on the other hand hasn't done anything in 4 years.
Not really dude. I guess you could say that if I were American since he would be giving me a thousand dollars a month after he got elected. I just think it's a funny meme.

get shot shill, this is not your commie playground sorry

I like how Jow Forums makes fun of blacks for gibs but now they want gibs themselves apparently

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Plus, of course, I'm pretty sure if Yang gets elected then trump general will go back to r*ddit once and for all, which means I can use Jow Forums again without being subjected to nigger-loving boomer cuckolds. That's the only thing that's in it for me, really.

To be honest I think non-americans pushing for people is pretty cringe and yikesville. I refuse to sell my soul to a chink bugman kike who wants to steal my rifles and my pride.

I don't know that I'm really pushing. I made one post and you guys started whining about foreign shills and communism.

>non American posts about American politics
>doesn't expect people to get all up in arms about why they don't want a slant-eyed chink who hates Whites
Sorry Chairman Yang isn't what I want.

You don't get a candidate who doesn't hate whites. Trump was saying he was going to increase immigration and spends all his time accomplishing shit for Israel.
You do, however, have the opportunity to get a thousand dollars.

Emperor Yang will rule all of North America and Asia. This is not just American politics.

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I'd rather suffer and keep my arms so I can die in a blaze of glory than be castraded and paid for it.
>low test shill trying to act like he's hot shit

Kinda expected from a chink lole

You'd rather give all your hard-earned cash to brown people and jews, you mean.

I'd rather not be forced to pay anything.
Yang is a kike who supports ZOG, Yang supports Chinks in China, Yang hates white people.
Anyone that votes for Yang and is white might as well admit they're bootlickers.
Dumb chinkposter get out of here.

>I'd rather not be forced to pay anything.
Not an option
Trump is also a kike who supports ZOG, and hates white people. If he weren't, why would he be announcing he's going to increase immigration and not accomplish anything for white people?
I don't think you even need to admit you're a bootlicker when everyone can see your tongue on the boot.
Dumb kikeposter get out of here

All miga shills will be killed during the Yangbang

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Rather have someone that supports Right wing christian values.
Dumb chink kike doesn't belive in Christ he believes in a bugman bible.

That's not really pro-white. Right wing christian values involve whining about abortion and giving israel free shit, and not a whole lot else as far as I can tell. I don't really like the christcuck meme but if there were ever a time it applied, it's in response to your post.

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>hates Christ
>supports a bugman
You drink s o y too?

This is a twitter meme template

I don't hate Christ. I hate people who put religious dogma over genetic altruism. You don't have a counter argument, so you're reduced to namecalling at this point, so I'm just going to repeat mine.
You can get an anti-white candidate, or you can get an anti-white candidate, AND a thousand dollars.
why should I care?

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Christ was a jew.

unironical discord thread forcing "memes"

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I get the feeling the anger some of the more disillusioned Jow Forumsyps are feeling towards /ptg/, boomers and the like is leading to the big forcing more the yang meme mostly just to piss off the reddit politicos that currently inhabit the board. haven't been on Jow Forums in over 2 years but I just know this is probably what's going on.

This. OP is a paid shareblue shill.

Are you a nigger? Are you so braindead that you can't understand what past-tense means? Are you that fucking stupid? Jesus Christ how fucking retarded are you? I know protestants chinks don't think Jesus is alive but holy shit have some respect.
I want neither.

Neither would be nice, but it's not an option, as I pointed out.

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Rather not vote at all and start stockpiling.

Oooh, the leaf comes up with another irrelevant opinion. *shocker* Still defending the commie post instead of telling them to go back. *Double shocker*

I'm sorry, was the implication too vague for you?
I'll be more direct this time. Go back.

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shill your anti white gook elsewhere

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You first Chink.

>literal redditor
Reminder that the Yang-kikes shilled for saying that the mass shooting was bad.

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mr. obvious, the oblivious newfag e-celeb that thinks Jow Forums and Jow Forums are a special seekrit klube.

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It's the same "Hill-dawg" quality of forced memes from 2016. Pretty transparent desu.

fuck off e-celeb Jow Forums drama doesn't matter here

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I'm pretty sure "Fuck you, give me 1000 dollars" is better than anything you've got potato boy

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Not being the cuck to sell out his country to becoming a communist shithole feels pretty good tbqh.

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