and I am one of those sad fucks
Wagies have to go to work tomorrow
I'm a neet and I'm depressed
well I am employed with about 10000 dollars in the bank (which isn't shit here desu) and I am depressed as fuck I don't care about anything
I need to get a new job that will put some wind under my sails and move that will give me something to worry about but I don't feel like it
Who do you work as?
I go around to stores and try to get my companies products sold more so basically a sales rep
Sounds like fun
in terms of a wage slave job it isn't bad I am not supervised, there isn't much actual work, but it bears all the hallmarks of any job, you aren't doing whatever the fuck you want
hey but I think you have it at least better than me I have to get up at 4:15am everyday to wörk from 6am until 4pm Everyday and Im getting only 318 euros a month after tax I have more than 300 hours overtime and my job consits of looking at security camera footage the whole fucking time
ahhhhhhhh I don't know what to say man but you should try to find a new job or something I know it is hard
its my first job after a 2 year neet period I dont have much options
How can a bantoid handle a sales job? Part of my job is trying to sell to customers, and I am terrible at it. I've been doing it for 4 years and have only improved to the point I don't get nervous around strangers, but I fumble with words the longer I have to talk trying to sell something.
Are you paid minimum wage in Germany? That is a lot of hours.
I am paid minimum wage but my overtime hours are not paid because they can decide if I get freetime because of it or money and they just let it build up without doing anything with it
I am not good at my job I have had it for two years and I basically have to lie and bullshit my way through but there is so much turnover I guess they don't want to shitcan me
i am cum and i flow
based Argie BTFO cum
I'm a wagie but i'm not ragie about it
how do you accept your slavery to the almighty dollar?
I guess you probably don't have any other options I can live off family members and don't really care much about material things
work and school for me
id kill myself if i became a neet
I kind of know what you mean. The longest I went without working in my adult life was 3 years and I was basically losing my fucking mind. But then I start losing it again at work so I don't know. I guess everyone is different.
I work as a trade apprentice so im actually learning a skill that I can apply in the future and not just doing busywork to make shekels. Also I was a NEET for 6 years and after a while I just do the same stuff over and over if I have too much spare time instead of doing worthwhile stuff like pursuing hobbies or attempting self-improvement
that's good man whatever keeps you engaged in this life