
How long will Jow Forums remain blocked for on the ISPs?

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@everyone post something funny on the illsec roast reddit



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OP here. Testing to see if ISP is usable again.

Nope, just the trial VPN server fucking me over. It's legit turned off right now.

you guys are fucked forever

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nice conversation starter hey when do i get boat for flot my dok onm cok

Until you throw yourself into the sun

Enjoy the limbo, your nerds

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>be australian
>shitpost so hard NZ can't handle the bants and bans itself off 4chins
just think about it
just for a second

Your cunt is more authoritarian than I thought, best of luck to you kiwis

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the anglosphere is first worl-

hong kong isn't a city in chi-



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If you're using shittier NZ DNS you deserve it

Makes no sense

Why not ban Facebook then where it was streamed? Twitter?

Faggot government

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Jow Forums isn't banned here. Or at least my ISP hasn't banned it. But why the fuck are ISP's thinking to ban access to Jow Forums anyway?

The shooter talked about it on 8ch, not Jow Forums
The video was livestreamed on facebook
The video was re-uploaded to youtube and bestgore

But they decide to ban Jow Forums for no real reason probably other than it having "chan" in the name, which 8ch also has. If they can't even tell that they're not affiliated with each other, I just don't even know what to say. Our prime minister even allowed photos to be taken of her dressed in a burka "to show support". I'm resenting this country just more and more, I think I need to get out of here.