Crippled afternoon edition
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Pretty normal afternoon
I can't believe kpop containment is dead because they can't post files over 1mb
ill wait
this song is bad
stop posting it
I don't understand what ur saying
Then don't worry about it.
I'm more worried about google keyboard speech to text registering you're as ur t b h
>speech to text
>speech to text
I can't type but I can still speak
learn to type
so you're walking down the street and speaking into your phone?
people will think ur retarded, i heard westerners only use their phones to text
Learn to fucking die piece of shit
Eh? There's nothing wrong with talking into the phone
good thing you can just say stuff to your phone like that when the locals can't speak english
What if someone tries silencing you?
There's nobody around me anyway
hmmm if you say so
i saw a post on instagram about a kpoop concert in dusseldorf that will include kard. do you want me to post the details now or should i wait until you're sober so you don't forget
and something good?
idk depends on if i knew the tracklist in advance. personally i wouldn't go, because there's too big a chance of exid and kard performing songs i don't like.
that's it?
i wouldn't go if it was in my street but düsseldorf is pretty far
i'd go if it was in sofia and around 20 eur max but otherwise no
2.5h for me
let's go
I'm going to leiden tomorrow
I won't even be in germany in may
why on earth
i'll be at the station there for about 5 mins waiting for my train
hmm me neither
>DIA releases "Teaser" for their MV
>It's almost the entire song
Good thing I don't watch teasers anymore
then how do you know?
getting my prize
why all the way in leiden
the conference was in leiden
yeah i saw that. classic mbk incompetence. i closed the video when i realized what they had done but on the plus side at least it sounds good.
if i remember right, a few years ago sm did the same thing with an exo song actually. released a teaser that basically spoiled the whole song. i really don't understand what the point of doing this is.
you were there before?
Maybe the teaser is actually the short version of the song, you'll have to pay to watch the long one.
Nips do that all the time.
no, not a fan of this
2 days ago in fact
I'll destroy ur family then
i'll eat your organs
i wasn't posting then, meh threads
you move around too much
I'll burn down ur house
i dont move that much
buy me a house first
I'll burn down ur commieblock
i'm not in a commieblock anyomre, this building was definitely built after 1990
this video is pretty pointless if i'm being honest
>then how do you know?
It's 2 minutes long
I have high hopes for the song.
>Maybe the teaser is actually the short version of the song, you'll have to pay to watch the long one.
Japan is the EA of music.
Prepare to get doxxed
that's ok, this is a richfag building, being doxxed as a richfag is good nine times out of ten
I mean how do you know if you don't watch teasers?
I'll burn down ur shitbox
>I mean how do you know if you don't watch teasers?
I saw the length ?
Dutchingu is safe fortunately
>one dead
reddit tier """"""""""spree""""""""""""
my shitbox mosaics are unflammable
Kebabs can't compete with wypepo
The Virgin Turk Shooter vs The Chad Australian Exterminator
Holy fuck.
This is so lit.
yes but ur late
I am a retard unfortunately.
very outdated news
what herbs are you using f a m
Ur outdated.
I had ribs for lunch.
rosemary I think
I cant tell
ur postin bad news
yeah seems about right
it tastes like pepper
worth 6€ for the 2 slices
hellos happy sakura day
what is g o o d
sis got into the school she was applying for
what school
Hide yo sister from these degens.
one of those Montessori schools
little brat finally got what she wanted
sadly I think she's already proto-degen which I need to rectify
hmmm rosemary definitely doesn't taste like pepper and 6 euro sounds pretty expensive for those two slices imo. are they premium cuts or are germoney prices just too high?
>one of those Montessori schools
as a student or as a teacher?
as a student
if my sister gets into one of her schools there will be an ocean between us
sad times
no idea what that is
idk beef costs the same but it was out
Aren't those a meme like Waldorf schools?
sad boyo
what is she studying for
some non-traditional approach to pedagogy very high remarks apparently
Good beef earlier there
half meme half decent from what I've heard
you need to be more informed before you meme call
bruh you gotta debrief her after every school day and ask her what they taught her. or at least tell your folks to do it.
the montesori methodology is pretty solid but it attracts some serious loonies as teachers
i was taking a walk one time and i saw one of those waltdorf methodology schools. when i passed it by a literal short haired genderless dyke walked out in the company of a few other adults so i assumed she was a teacher.
i can only imagine the kind of freaks that become montessori teachers in sweden. and what kinds of things they teach students. tell your parents to watch out
Nah I've visited there before with the folks and the teachers and school was alright. Some odd balls but you can tell they were good at what they did. Apart from the art's teacher I dont know what she was smoking but it wasn't helpful with choosing the school
Also the spanish teacher was like, barely 150 cm's tall or something looked like a cube
what's popping
>I think she's already proto-degen
How old is she?
meh stuff, english and latin
she's pretty good at writing though
>what's popping
Comfy at home
well, that's good that you're keeping on top of it at least
just make sure you don't slack off
Why is EVERGLOW trending? Is it some very anticipated group? I thought it was just a good nugu
She's 14 soon 15
ohh so a future barista
had a good day so far ?
I'll keep the pressure on, its family after all
>She's 14 soon 15
>had a good day so far ?
Yes, you?
lmao, dont listen to someone who knows nothing about it
mom's a writer and that worked out fine
was at the office today then studies so pretty beat
I know enough to make my own judgement (!)
as long as she doesn't faff about at uni
did you get a flag yesterday btw
Were you playing with sticks and knitting in one of those schools?
trending where?
In Brazil, also their teaser video has millions of views