USA is a shithole country

USA is a shithole country
Prove me wrong.

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If USA is such a shithole how come so many people are desperately trying to move into it???

because it's less shit than those countries

Thanks to the EU. Prove me wrong.

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Yup USA is a shithole. All muzzies should only go to the EU.

Its the utter consumerist freedom to pursue the highest degrees of materialism in the most ironic manner it could not be better illustrated then consuming a meal while on the toilet

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Whats wrong with this?

YOu're not wrong.

Nothing. OP is a faggot. Why wouldnt you eat when youre hungry

What is the issue? The wings arent touching the floor?

a country so clean you can eat off the floor of the public restrooms
>OP is a retarded moron

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People are attracted to shit

Take it to >>Jow Forumsjealous flaggot. I eat pizza on the shitter, myself.

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is there anything more pathetic than bashing on a country, while hiding behind a meme flag?

I'd like to put up a argument but I've been to are local Walmart and those meme's you see all over are pretty accurate.
though you only ever see these faggots at Walmart

Could this be a multitasking employee on brake?

I beg to differ. I haven't seen anything. You guys talk up this place as some sort of meme theme park, but that's hardly the case

t. 15 year walmart associate

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Because shit is attractiv to shit
That's why so many retards want to come to the shittiest hole where you can find the supreme shit leader wich is fagmerica, eternal jewish golem


plot twist
these aren't chicken wings

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>15 year walmart associate
>15 year
>walmart associate

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Your flag should be banned and yourself, killed
Europeans are faggots

Well... yeah? My bills are due on the first. What else am I supposed to do? There are no real jobs anymore for people my age.

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Literally no one says employee anymore, you're an associate, team member etc. Fuck boomers.

Me and my friends went in at like 2 AM, went into your stalls and just took a shit right next to the toilet

Thank jesus I dont work on maintenance.

It's not as bad as it sounds desu. If you think of it purely in financial terms, he's been making at least 20k a year for 15 years while staying in a low income tax bracket, with no upfront education cost. Meanwhile millions of people around his age have significant student loan debt with accruing interest that knocks their "real" earnings down to where he is. Add into that their extra earnings are partly taxed at a higher rate. He's been doing it for 15 years so it obviously isn't killing him, and as long as sharts keep craving toxic chink plastic garbage he'll be in a job until retirement.

I had to wait for my girlfriend outside a unisex bathroom in Philadelphia over the weekend and it made me extremely angry to live in this clown world.

Who's the winner in that situation?

Be thankful

Me obviously


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Yes but it’s my shithole

HR no longer uses the term employee but rather team member or company associate
it just sounds nicer

>chicken wings
>walmart toilet
t. nigger


I'm a frequent vandal at walmart. I like to stuff frozen fish in hard to find places. I regularly place cartons of egg on edges so that they will fall. This provides me with endless amusements. The stink from the fish must be horrible.

What a joke. That's like saying an enslaved negro picking cotton under the whip is an enthralled agricultural practitioner.

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>that shoe
guarantee you that's a nigger.


Speak for yourself chang

Its no suprise to me that a memeflag foesnt know shit about cleaning products and shiet.
Its usually safer to eat from that floor than just touching your keyboard and randomly lick your cheeto hands.
I mean its not the clever decision either eating while shitting and to leave the wings in the ground, but those floors usually get cleaned with industrial holocaust products.

>15 year walmart associate

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bada ba ba baaa

trophies hidden on the corner cabinets.. these are not a proud people


cool filename

Golemicus is our new millenium partheneon speaker and thinker.

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>tfw only hundurans want to move to your shithole

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nigger tier
If you're going to engage in tomfoolery at least make it clever.

as everyone else has said, flies are attracted to shit

absolute mad man. made me laugh.

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>USA is a shithole country

S E E T H I N G because your visa ran out.


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had to wait outside unisex
>what is it ?

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Hey Walmart guy, it’s the other Walmart guy from the other week. Even though I just started I’ve already walked into stalls multiple times with shit everywhere and once even written “fuck Walmart” with shit on the wall.

Being less of a shithole then *insert any country in latin america* isn't exactly a achievement.

For the cost of a 4 year degree at IU I got my Bscin dental hygiene. I make 30 bucks an hour and work 20 hours a week. Like is fuckin cozy for people who get degrees bud. I’m graduating the doctoral program of dental hygiene and I’m gonna make 60 an hour doing 20 hours a week here.

How anyone can stand working in that shithole all day is beyond me. I get a panic attack just getting in and out shopping, from all of the filthy degenerates clogging the isles and the generally loathsome atmosphere. Imagine having to actually deal with that flotsam and jetsam all fucking day.

they still think it's the 80s


White people invented upper decking
This is just lower decking

>those shoes
>chicken wings
You got something to say about niggers?

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there is no way the twat in the green is human. no way.

Not really a shithole, just plagued by endless decadence and hedonism

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>at walmart. I like to stuff frozen fish in hard to find places.
incel goblins walking around walmart with permaboners and they don't know why -ask ugliest on dates and get rejected

Dont be a lazy nigger?

H-hey um user, can I ask you for a small favour? C-come join this super active Jow Forums Discord server p-please, it's a really good server I promise! We can maybe even laugh at the Christchurch shooting livestream together if you did... so join using this link right now:


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>white KIDS
If you're white and over the age of 20 shitting on floors is just embarrassing.

Yeah, but you get to fiddle around in peoples shitty mouths all the time.

Every fucking thread is about some dumb shooting that's old news, or subjects of a pathetic Anglo nation having their rights revoked by the Crown (surprise! NZ, AUS, and UK you cucks). I know all of that already and enjoy other things too.

Lmao, someone saw me doing that? What's the big deal anyway? It's not like he shit on his wings or anything. Why deprive yourself of your delicious wings just because you had to take a shit? Just proves that people on this board are effeminate shut ins who are afraid of much germs. I've been eating on the toilet for years and I have not once gotten sick from it.

Wal-mart really is mutant central. Not just the customers but the employees are also hideous. Then there's the weird shit like evangelical christian dvds on giant displays. Who buys those?

I was literally 17 or 18 this is not a recent thing
But either way you seem to me to be an employee of walmart

awesome, you're losing out u demonic freak

What do bad Kirk Cameron movies have to do with being a good Christian?

This is true. I have no student debt. I don't know how the fuck I would feel if I'm making what I'm making now while having a degree of some sort. It would be more demoralizing I guess.
Ancient history. I'll be here until my casket closes.

>no GED
>no vehicle
>no other jobs will be able to match my current $14/hr wage
>too old to start anything meaningful from the absolute bottom unless I want to willingly face age bias/discrimination

Um...ok. keep it up! You're keeping someone employed!

For some of us, unfortunately, walmart is the only thing we have in life.

I already work 5-7 hours a week for free for this place. Dont assume everyone is a door greeter.

Its walmarts base, though why they are pushing LGBT shit is beyond me.

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