Hey Jow Forums I found a dead squirrel, what do you think

Hey Jow Forums I found a dead squirrel, what do you think

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looks dead to me
make sure to give it a proper burial all animals deserve respect even r*m*n**ns

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5/10 could use more bulletholes

good job

Nice squirrel you got there

thank you America, very cool!

Did you guys know that chipmunks and groundhogs are squirrels? It's true, look it up.

I think it’s mangled enough

fearless in death, as he was in life....

might be mine, shot one yesterday

didn't you get b&, '03 zoomer?

How did it die ?


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reminds me of the one user that used his mosin nagant for rabbit control

fling it around

Cum inside

So when do you cave into your desires and fuck it like the degenerate faggot you are?

Attached: cursed_bologna.jpg (720x712, 38K)

Honestly, I just found it dead, I have no Idea what the fuck happened

Link or did the thread 404

laterally free protein

25 replies

don't get too close, it might have rabies

I don't think

You should have picked it up, smeared its carcass all over your face, and used the remainder of whatever body gunk was left as sex lube. Bitch.