Give me a quick rundown on Belgium

give me a quick rundown on Belgium
what is the country famous for? what is different from other euro countries like Netherlands and Switzerland? I don't know shit about it

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Netherlands in denial

Mix the worst parts of France and the worst parts of Germany, you get this

Based Nigel already brought to light this fallacy

We're famous for waffles, beer, chocolate, and inventing the french fries, which aren't french at all

come for the beer, stay for the hangover food

You don't know what you're talking about, Ahmed

Its true, i dont im just shitposting for (You)s

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> which aren't french at all
We didn't know where we were

French fries, Waffles, and Peeing statues

Dont forget the pedophiles and terrorist incubator :X

Not being France
Not being Holland
Not being a country
EU seat is in Brussels
Outsmarting americans on Jow Forums

>conveniently leaves out the killing of millions of niggers in the congo

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They are good in making chocolate and raping children. But they only do the one thing, to get the other.

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>Outsmarting americans on Jow Forums
Everyone outsmarts Americans on Jow Forums

Nobody has ever outsmarted me on bant

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>being this delusional
oh well, this explains why are you still in denial of shitting in your shower

Niggerphobic jew hating Bourgeoisie unironic futuresight fag apologist terf

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What did that shower ever do to you?!

It should have gotten out of the way if it didn't wanna get dumped on by my little brother

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just return the cantons de L'est



one of the Belgians is an irl doctor with an actual IQ of 180+ and the other one is an easily outsmarted idiot.