Tfw no gf

>tfw no gf

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and who are you quoting?

absolutelly disgusting

how is it disgusting?

I'm quoting my brain's thoughts

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that's no girl


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>got fat
why did he do this to himself?

Is this supposed to be someone recognizable?

brazillian skeletor, there are lots of pics of him

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>too afraid to go in Tinder
>too afraid to go on Grindr
Do you think, in the afterlife, we get to choose a gf anyway? I sure would fancy that

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What are you afraid of, dude?
Is registration form so scary to you?

>tfw no tiny male gf to cum inside of and impregnate

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imagine walking into the locker room and seeing this

just want "male" girlfriend to pummel nightly at 11 PM

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I've seen hotter

grindr is an absloute shite hole dont ever go there

hes too fucking perfect bros wtf

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was good, but not even close to perfect
now he is just your average tranny, suicide by 26 material

can you show me an example of perfection, rusanon?

I bet you have fag

ez, Charles a cute
But really there are guys on Jow Forums who are looking much better than that brazilian.
Normally every wednesday, friday and sunday and sometimes on thursdays and saturdays if I feel like it.

Attached: literal perfection.jpg (795x530, 66K)

OP is posting pics of a literal trap.

>remember to sage this shit

congrats my girlfriend is hotter but lol @ posting her on Jow Forums nice going creep

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I am sorry but this is a Christian-board, remove your inappropriate image thx

who are you quoting?

the one I posted is cuter

do they even have grindr in saudi arabia?

how to get smol boitits like that?

>tfw gf

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Estrogen I’d imagine

Body ruined

also no, not at all

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