Am I the only aussie left?

am I the only aussie left?

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No, the other guy is aussie here ;)

Soon there will be none!

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Let's hope

is their an isp that hasn't blocked it there then, i don't understand how a proxy/vpn would work if 4chans blocked in the whole country

i wrote that like a retard but it's 2.26am here

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yeah theres a few minor ISPs that completely ignore the laws and do what ever they want.

The last of the Aussies

Tor browsing works but you wont be able to post

yes lole

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You've got to be an ultra brainlet to not be able to get around it

did you just mess with your dns settings or something

yes, the largest ISP in Australia has blocked it.

optus too

Just now,

Been stuck with Telstra since last night.

>dns for The win

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I hope not, we need more shitposting Jow Forumselopes like you around

Dns on router

Dns changer app on Android

>fucking Australia

yeah nah, there's still about 3 of us left on Jow Forums. I think heaven and nice nines are gone for good.
this is why I left Telstra.

In Darwin there's no reception beyond 20 minutes from the city unless you're with Telstra

Joints backwoods as fuck

Three is better than none, but I’m extremely sad to hear that heaven and the cirnoposter might be gone for good

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F for our lost brethren

Just followed this

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F for all the hilarious bants I’ve had with you lot

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We will be back, they can't keep us down forever

Just gotta keep telling those pooftahs to fuck off.

>We will be back they can't keep us down forever

Down under

Just tell em

Oi mate fuck off ya dumb dowg

We dun wan nunya fucking internet censorship cunts

Stupid pooftahs

just like a glorious gum tree rising from the ashes of a bushfire

reminder that australia/nz haven't blocked this yet

i think there's one that uses a russian vpn now

You're the coolest one, anyway



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Hopefully. Nah just kidding..

I think so


>now only tech savoy Aussies can post on Jow Forums and 4channel
>post quality on Jow Forums goes up slightly
Hmmmm...... It's as though killing off 90% of the phone posters has done something of value.

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Just download vpn changer, or connect through WiFi if you're on Android
Stupid cunts won't let you change vpn natively

I was never gone

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