I warned Australians I was going to deal with them

and now they are dealt with

Australia is banned from Jow Forums

Attached: australia-presentation-1-728.jpg (728x546, 99K)

Other urls found in this thread:


picture is related, Australian hopping away from Jow Forums

I'm still here, as I always have and always will be.

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Can't get rid of us that easily, mutt

Wot cunt

Attached: wot-cunt.jpg (407x405, 69K)

it must be so cool living around kangaroos and koala bears fuck

it is

'cept where every other animal has a deathwish to kill you, it's pretty nice there

>every other animal has a deathwish to kill you
where's the fun in that not being the case?

Nice weather? I sweat my cunt out all day every day in 90 percent humidity and 36 degree weather

I'm in the shade now

My cunt is sweating

>moister than your mum on her hunnymoon

Oh that's nothing.
Try working in that weather.

What weather?

I do work in that weather

Swinging spanners for machinery

>R*ddit spacing

Attached: 1552946530099.jpg (313x334, 28K)

It's easier to type on mobile

Go jump


I am

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Deal with us? yeah nah cobba I don't fuckin think so, you best fuck off while you can still tell your story walking

Attached: cantbestopped.png (590x332, 185K)

What the fuck did you just say to me little man?

>tpg finally put a ban on Jow Forums within the last hour
>just change dns and can get back on
wew lads

Only the best posters get a pass

Ca someone explain to a brainlet How changing DNS can bypass nannystate filters?
I read the wiki on dns and it says its just the thing that designates website names.

Because the internet was made not to be censored or controlled by based DARPA geeks


my fucking sides

Attached: kookaburra.jpg (1377x2000, 1.88M)

Merry merry king of the bush is he

That movie is great,
But fuck me did that hot air balloon go a long fucking way

Kookaburra sits on the electric wire
Jumping up and down with his pants on fire
Laugh kookaburra laugh
What a gay life you lead

Next shooting: United States of America

Well odds are
$1.05 in USA
$2.20 any other civilised country
And $1.00 any Arab shit stain
Interested In that action annon?

Can't snob the cob