why do white women like mediterranean man more than white blonde niggas,i never ever met a girl who says she likes blonde or white man more then mediterranean it in our genes to be alphas as fuck.pic related - me

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Everyone knows meds are the master race you cunt

our women are hotter and they arent tall also,wich makes us alpha as fuck

i am 179cm ahhahahahahahahah

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>i never ever met a girl who says she likes blonde or white man ....
It just your selective memory, you remember what you like.

Also med man are pathetic, all of them are manlets.

I'm Arab and pic related is me with my friends before going to stadium to watch Iraq vs Yemen football game

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Hahahaha kys manlet

i am 179 cm i dont know how tall germans are but on google they surely arent taller than me lmao

>i am 179cm ahhahahahahahahah

thats sad

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179 cm pure muscle who would break you in half

marzia is 165cm hahahaha

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Med master race here. I confirm we are superior to snowniggers in every aspect.

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blonde beta snow niggers are just pathetic and ugly as fuck,like grow the fuck up

i remember i saw some german guys,most of them had blonde eyes and blonde eye lashes and blonde eye brows they look so disgusting

blonde hair* not eyes lol

you are master cucks alright

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I am blond and I've noticed that asian/darker hair/semi-asian girls have a thing for me. My looks attract them.
Idc why is that.

Who can compete with Med girls?

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Show the flag kike.


Tits or gtfo

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i had this adn test that recently came in albania and it showed it dated back like 4000 years to ilyrian and balkan penisula.

>be aller than your country's average
>tfw still a manlet at 175,5 cm

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Rip jawlet, id kms.

Also a manlet, trully kys you genetic waste.

>stfu manlet our genes are pure white

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Crotian vs. Italian.

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French psychologists suggest that fatherhood is determined by society not by biology
When are we finally gonna guillotine the (((French intellectual elite)))?

show your flag kike

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Just watch japanese anime made for women,what do you think who is the hottest man there?

A blonde white tall guy.

tf u talking about my jaw is perfect in every aspect

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I bet you he's either a kraut or a bong

>anime made for women
go die in a hole you beta fuck

sorry for ruining your delusions frenchie

>araboid albonigger larping as southern European
Back to nord africa where you belong Blerim

kek, I feel bad for medcucks.

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gtfo from Europe you araboid shitskin.

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The Roman Empire always hired Balkan mercenaries, because they weren't too small and weak themselves.

europe is yours you serbcuck,your disgusting race came like 1600 years after us in eu

europe is ours*

Oh man you araboid niggers are really this dumb.

You can compare that time and modern time because they didn't have proper nutrition like today.

Napoleon's height was above avarage at the time in France.

can't compare *

t. Ismail tonybler Hajji-bajrami.

France 174.1 cm (5' 8.5") Average male height
161.9 cm (5' 3.7") Average female height
your really are delusional thinking a serb subhuman is in any way white lmao

In my case, It' because I like manlets and white guys usually aren't manlets but med guys are.

For that time or modern time? You stupid araboid nigger.

Here is source for avarage height in the older times.

That means that napoleon's height was around avarage height or even a little bit tall for the man of that time.
Also inches in France and England was measured differently so I think he was in a little bit tall category.

you know the rules

modern time you SERB
>t. mile kitic


im half french and half ((anglo))..

the french side of my family is based and lives full lives,. the anglo side is "progressive" and boring

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show your height RAT

191cm here.
Been smashing euro teen pussy every summer since I was 16.
Vitamin D deficient eurosluts like getting the olive oil smooth cock .

Wow you are dumb as hell, you can't compare Napoleon's height from that time and modern French people.

I wasted my time arguing with araboid nigger fuck my life.

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What about Dalmatian Croats? We're both med and tall.

You evidently can't even grow a proper beard, you fruit.

well modern day french people average height is still 174 cm so i dont know tf you talking about slavic subhuman

because women are the primary consumers of the media brainwashing and its telling them to fantasize about dark skin.

acting like anything below 185cm doesn't make you a manlet

OP is a literal albo, my sides

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well average human height around the world is 175.4 centimeters

Just look at chart and compare French people from that time and modern French people, you need basic math for this mr. Mehmet Ismail tonybler Ramadani

I am out, you are dumb as hell.

Manlet is manlet regardless of averages. 185 is at LEAST the cutoff for manletism. I don't even associate with anyone below 180cm for the sake of being guilty by association.

ah dimitri my friend

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ah so thats YOUR cutoff for manletism,nice

you are just niggers in my book sorry


what about us? We are masterrace, isn't it obvious

>imagine needing to cope this hard

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Women like the way I look, right guys? I'm an alpha am I?

Mediterannean are the superior race and it's not even close.

LMAO at Nordic copers whose greatest achievement was raiding villages XD

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Me too

he's 1.77 actually

ha olive niggers and snow monkeys are both weak beats the Celt bull is king

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>implying you can't be a med blonde nigga

>subhuman araboid claiming to be a slayer in europe

just fucking lol,your tall height has no power in EU. If you are araboid,it is over for you

wrong,i m mediterranean greek and i have never smashed any pussy because all women want a tall aryan blue eyed Hans. I will probably die without having sex

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>mediterranean greek
>effectively turk
>calls others subhuman

>wrong,i m mediterranean and i have never smashed any pussy because all women want a tall aryan blue eyed Hans. I will probably die without having sex
Literally me

>effectively negro from the nigerian jungle

We are both subnhuman but i m less subhuman than you. No offense,it's just how it is

oh sry,i realized it is a Hans talking. My bad. Yes you are right,i look like a turk.

I'm not OP, user. I'm pure, blue-eyes white dragon Aryan.

[spoiler]actually no I've failed daddy addy and I'm a filthy slav[/spoiler]

Truly doubt it, you being continental and all.

you're one to talk, you got more achmed than we did

i fucking love blonde men so shut up op