Bruh can any of y'all gay niggas explain to me how the fuck you factor quadratics equations?

Bruh can any of y'all gay niggas explain to me how the fuck you factor quadratics equations?

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Use the quadratic formula

x = (-b +/- sqrt(b^2 - 4ac))/(2a), where the quadratic equation is in the form y = ax^2 + bx + c.

Use a calculator, negro.

So if you have 5x^2 + 13x + 6, you solutions will be
(-13 +/- sqrt(13^2 - 4(5)(6)))/(2(5))
= (-13 +/- 7)/(10)
= -2 or -0.6


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Your post was right, the only thing you forgot was you always have to put your highest coëfficient up front. So 5*(x- (-2))*(x - (-0.6)) = 5*(x+2)*(x+0.6)

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Ohhh, yeah I forgot.

You got:
Search ∆=b^2−4ac
If ∆>0 there are 2 solutions
If∆=0 there is 1 solution
If ∆

So yeah, you have to subtract the solutions you got from the quadratic formula from x, multiply them all together, and multiply by a.
5(x-(-2))(x-(-0.6)) = 5(x+2)(x+0.6)

oshit am i'm retarde
i would have done (5x+3)(x+2)

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Is there some sort of special mode I'm supposed to put my calculator in? Because I can't solve any of this with my Casio brick.

Actually, this might not always be the case, is it?

Um no the opposite that's completely correct the two are the same
You're actually well off if you can do this intuitively

wait that's just the same thing i am retarded

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No wait, it's right, because if it were say (2x+3)(3x+2), you'd just have 6(x+3/2)(x+2/3)

Well yeah technically speaking this only works if the polynomial has zeroes over the real numbers. But then at the same time you can argue it always works as long as you work in the complex numbers. Or you can argue it hardly ever works if you only work in the integer numbers. When it comes to math you can always dig deeper into the specifics to be exacter in what you're saying. Pretty sure as far as OP goes what you said is enough to go with

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Honestly I'm still just as clueless as when I started this thread. My calculator just has a seizure each time I try to solve or copy one of the equations you guys are posting.

Mistake in factoring it's supposed to be

post a picture

Post the specific quadratic you're trying to solve.

easy you ask alice 3d at [email protected] she has all the answer. you can also trust her with your deep and darkest secrets

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I'mma thrust in your deepest darkest secret if you don't shut it about that slag

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The quadratic formula is two separate equations.
"+/-" just means one equation is a plus sign and the other equation is a negative sign. You don't literally divide by a minus sign, if that's your issue.

how dar you talk about the best poster on this board alice 3d and her army of based jannies who definatly dont delete threads that tell the tru- i mean lies lies all of them lies kill the alice haters kill them all


I mean, there is a decent chance that's the issue, lol

I miss maths. Too bad I never had to use anything I learned at school and so I've forgotten it all.