I don't know. I agree that the European way is better. Also, the temperature measurement is more logical, too.
The same reason why we haven't adopted the metric system, or why we call a sport where people hold a ball and ram into each other "football", while we call the sport that involves kicking a ball around "soccer".
Americans are retarded.
I once went to open a bank account in the States and I jokingly asked why Americans are so illogical when writing dates. She replied with: "Oh but it is logical. See, you start with the month, because that's the month you are in now. Then you write the day, and the the year".
That pyramid is some jew shit.
100c = boiling point
0c = freezing point
Asian = Pakistani/Indian
because FUCK YOU that's why
Because saying "The 25th of March, 2019" sounds worse than saying "March 25th, 2019"
because there's less numbers of months than days in a month.
your chart is asinine.
Also numerically there are more days in a month then there are months in a year, and naturally more years than anything period
Because the month and year are typically is the most pertinent information.
Cause we are not you, thankfully!
let me ask you a question: what is today's date?
>Americans are retarded.
You're just describing the nature of women. They're not logical. It's why our enemies target them specifically with their propaganda.
Because fuck You
Isn't it because Americans were accustomed to writing the date as, for example, "March 25th, 2019" when letters were a thing?
they all belong to the trash
Y-M-D, best
Aslo, fuck base 10 numerical systems, it should be base 12
The same reason you drive on the wrong side of the road, much to the dismay of most of the world. You also tell people who don't like it to fuck off.
Similarly, if you don't like our dates, fuck off.
yes, it's because we are actually literate, unlike the typical euro serf who needs the pope to translate scripture for him
Yeah the Xx/XX/Xx format is just shorthand of a full written date we kept the same syntax in numbers
I believe French Italian, Spanish and other Latin languages they actually say and right their date as day/month/year. English write it month/day/year
>March 26th, 2019
>The 26th of March, 2019
The first one sounds more natural, it's clearly better. Brits that conform to DD/MM/YY are letting themselves get cucked by the rest of Yurop where their retarded languages say shit backwards.
If you want the graduations to be in order it should be reversed like how the Nips do it here, anyway: YY/MM/DD. Then it ticks up like a clock, which makes sense because it has to do with time.
DD/MM/YY is a pox upon the human race and if you like it I hope you drive your head into a concrete wall.
Calm down little man
Because I say:
March 25th, 2019.
Why not write it like I say it?
Based fuckig nip
America has a 75% literacy rate, every western Euro country is no less than 99%
So why don't you write Month/Year/Day then? Or even Year/Month/Day?
25/03/19 or 19-03-25
Chronological order = Alphabetical order
Because we say "January first, 20XX" not "one January, 20XX"
this. the simple, thoughtful, Chad system vs. the Euro virgin turbo autist system.
Mainframe hard coding on old fortran 77 or cobol programming. Its one of reasons they panicked around y2k and hacked date extensions into every line of code ever written for these old monsters in nuclear fall out facilities and banking centers...you know or all the nuke silos would launch by accident and vapourize everything.
Europeans do this quite often as well.
25. März 2019
Fair enough. Was joking with the "Americans are retarded" anyway.
The month is the most info dense unit. Why shouldn't it come first?
Since Europeans are so smug about their system, why haven't they transferred to a base 12 counting system yet? It's divisible by far more digits than base 10, so if Euros are so concerned with having the greatest mathematical systems, why haven't they switched yet? How far gone is Europe when all they have to boast about is their date formatting and measurement system? Is that it?
The european way is more logical in the sense of listing dates for records etc.; however, the month in a lot of ways is the most important piece information in a date in a lot of ways. The month tells you what the weather is roughly like; consequently, the month tells you what you yourself and other people are roughly doing. The month provides you the most situational awareness in most contexts than any other part of the information in a date.
in order to percieve the most important information quickly, it has to be closer to the center of your eyes. Year and Month are therefore written on the far left and right respectively
Because who gives a fuck, soccer faggot?
This is true. In the Scandinavian languages they also say date/month/year, unlike in English. Good point.
The mlitary uses the date/day, month,year order. But the other is traditional here in the civvie world,, even though I use the first method verbally out of habit (ex military).
lol americans are so stupid. in america it's illegal to pump your own gas
fuck off kike
I guess, it's also because the first letter for the first month starts earlier in the alphabet than the first letter of the first day of the week. And the first letter of the word 'year' is later in the alphabet than for the other 2 components. Essentially bulletproof logic.
Nonargument and reused shitpost. Bad, OP.
>He doesn't use military dates and time
>24hr clock and year, month, day
Cause fuck you. That's why
only in 2 of the 50 states
keep seething
A fucking leaf. Figures.
Checked for based American logic
Because it is way the fuck cooler and much more convenient.
>What day is it?
March 25.
>what about the 25th of March
That's like calling colored people "people of color"
>muh date has to be like a pyramid
Is this one of those classic slide threads I hear about?
>haha americans are so stupid their measurements are hard for me to understand
Coming from a country that literally uses "oonga boonga stone" as a form of measurement, it doesn't phase me.
Quints speak the truths
always wondered this, mph also falls into this retardation
>75% literacy rate
that's 2d thinking, look at it like railroad tracks.
shove your commie shit up your ass redcoats.
Thanks for being honest but shouldn't this be in bants? And shouldn't you be fleeing a genocide?
I mean, unless you're a nigger lol
Cause US wasn'y world leader before ww2 it as a farming colony mostly.
Same as imperial system of measurement. Retarded.
Y/M/D > All
This annoys me very much! Everytime you try to parse dates with some library on any platform you run into localization issues with this shit. If it isn't the user fucking up its the locale settings or some shit I shouldn't really have to care about.
why do you care?
look into the history of the name 'soccer'
it really isnt interesting but youll get some conclusions
the month is more important than the day.
Youre just wanting an excuse to measure your dicc in centimeters instead of inches
It's logical, it's from least to most:
Month: 1-12
Day: 1-31
Year: 4 digit number
100°F - hot, possibly dangerous
0°F - cold, possibly dangerous
It signifies danger instead of something useless like boiling temp.
i use day, month, year when i am writing dates by hand, if im writing a date in a file name i do month day year so that when the file are numerically sorted it groups the files by month
Gapes, lad. I ponder whom might'n be this mysterious fellow.
It's day month year in French. Le vingt cinq mars. I don't know about drunk french or mud french.
beacuse today is March 25th, 2018 not 25th March 2018.
Because saying or writing down something like 25/10/2019 looks and sounds retarded. 10/25/2019 looks better and sounds better aesthetically since it's numbers progression.
you nips are always the most logical and respectable.
100 degrees celsius, youre dead
0 degrees celsius, youre fine and can probably get away with a light jacket
both have uses, i find the european way is more applicable to abstractions and precise measurements but F is better for 'living' purposes
European "Logic" dictates that the date 01/02 comes later than 02/01
horseshit. You pump your own gas if you ride a motorcycle or just fucking would rather. They won't fucking turn you away or something.
If you are to list things by date, the American way is a lot neater actually.
>Das racis am finkin moyt be ill-egal m8. Cease heer bin I phone-y da popos - actual British nigger speak
But for honesty sake, US niggers aren't much better
It's not 'European' dude, it's literally every country except the US and Angola. Same with imperial.
You mean your fellow Americans?
It's illegal to have such racist opinions in current year leafland. Say you're sorry and call the police on yourself.
Just to throw a wrench into things. Pic related is true in government
whoa, didn't know Angola was based+redpilled
Oh look, another thread where yurofags whine about how Americans aren't like them. Feels like old school /new/
How fucking hard is this you anglo dipshit
Month is the smallest possible numbers 1-12
Days is the middle amount 1-31
Year is the highest amount 00-99
Its pretty fucking basic
because normal people say "March Twenty-Fifth, Twenty-Nineteen" whereas only snobbish europoor cucks say "The Twenty-Fifth of March, Two-thousand-and-nineteen"
wtf i like canada now
Sleeping in 0 celcius is pretty dangerous, you won't wake up from that.
Celcius is still pretty easy though.
0 = Ice is freezing
10 = really cold, jacket recommended
20 = comfy
30 = Hot
40 = almost deadly Fever
March 25, 2019 | 3/25/2019
>Because I say:
>March 25th, 2019.
>Why not write it like I say it?
Who the fuck says that? It's the 29th day of March. 29th of March. Add the word of in, like almost all professional letters require, and you see how silly it sounds. 'March of 29th' doesn't make sense.
Over here we just say the 25th.
No need to remind them of the month.
those are English units by the way