What do you think of Justin Bieber? Do you like the way he is nowadays, or the way he used to be at some point...

What do you think of Justin Bieber? Do you like the way he is nowadays, or the way he used to be at some point? Apparently, he is now on hiatus from doing music, and seems to suffer from depression.

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he needs a new haircut

he seemed to act like a real prick, attention seeking faggot, the kind you see on YouTube but who get a "celeb pass" for being basically assholes
on the other hand, a lot of childhood stars seem to go crazy when they reach adulthood… I guess all that fame fucks with their minds (or maybe it's pedos in media, who knows)

Didn't like his music and can't understand why anyone gives a shit what musicians look like or do in their spare time.

She's flexing her meme depresshun muscle for attention from mainstream audience.

I actually think the song 'sorry' is listenable. Other than that don't really know his other songs
Don't care about celebrity personal lives that's for wahmenz

Popularity fucks with your brain. It changes you, messes with your ego and makes you forget you are capable of fucking up. I don't understand why this isn't common knowledge.
See also: most real celebrities, youtube celebrities, the average highschool playground, facebook, twitter, and attention whores right here on this very board.
It's ubiquitous and nearly everyone is susceptible to it. I only know of like two or three people I've ever seen to be resistant to it.
Maybe the reason why this isn't more obvious is because psychologists are usually not internet savvy and vice versa

I had a crush on him as a kid, then I realized he's an asshole. That's as far as my opinion goes

he is friends with hamilton, that alone tells me he has no soul

In general it's very related to pathological narcissism in psychology
people make up for their childhood neglect and trauma, the feeling of their worthlessness, by creating a grandiose ego to attract attention and make people adore them. the ego is huge but fragile, it needs to constantly be upheld by fans and cannot take even the smallest criticism. needless to say it gets worse with time, and music star lifestyle with drugs, drama and all doesn't help. so it's much like a pyramid, the ego gets bigger until it collapses and their issues get the better of them.