if you were to somehow magically turn into a girl would you change your attitude and behavior to be more girly and feminine or would you try to hold onto your masculinity?
If you were to somehow magically turn into a girl would you change your attitude and behavior to be more girly and...
it wouldnt change really i guess
iceland's OPs are consistently what I can only imagine to be the gay equivalent of what I have seen, most horrifically, referred to as "shower thoughts"
stupid tranny
prove it
i would stay the same, never change
i proved it last time and u got mad and left and ODed on tranny pills to reset your memory
nice fanfiction kid
I’d become the perfect femdom gf
I would stay the same but I guess I can cum without limit now
what if u cut ur dixk of before u get tuernd intp girl would it dissapear or still b thr
russian tranny
wishing for a fanny
i have a lot of those
good question
either it would still be there since it's no longer a part of you or it would turn into your severed clit
russian tranny
wishing for a fanny
I would stay the same, masculine. But sad, since women are weaker than men.
not a tranny
Do you mean you're masculinity will stay the same? Or you will always be feminine?
The touhou image implies feminine.
oh, thats suijunko, the worst doll. Not touhou, but my post probably still stands.
if you would change your personality, you were gay from the start
>The touhou image
besides, posting an image doesn't imply anything
I post exclusively cute little anime girls and I'm a big ugly muscular guy
if you post like a fag online, I doubt you act masculine or even interact with people outside your house in real life.
Is this a confession?
I wouldnt bother myself with imposing such simple limits as feminine or masculine, i am simply epicbasedpilled.
I post exclusively big ugly muscular guys
and I'm a cute little anime girl
I would like to know what all of you would do the frist time you get cramp and then have to do with bleeding for a week.....it all fun and game being a women tell you have to deal with the real shit.
ms normie?
how cute?
>mrsA id
Who is this A?
did you dump normie for him?
Is it the famous hacker anonymous?
I think i might to stuped....it toke me so long to understand what yue fuck you wad talking about...in tell i read me ID.
It's ok missy N
it also takes me long times to figure out a joke sometimes
Thank you, and how have you been.
Fuck my friend.
I've been doing alright
Not much else to say except that though
Been replaying a game i liked but that's it i think
How about you?
Not much i been sick this pass week and now that i better takeing carw of norime. I have to pick some were to eat this week for are date. But i have in tell Friday so i will put it off in tell then.