My girlfriend of 3 years wants to travel way too much. I hate wasting my fucking money so we can travel and "experience the world" or whatever. We travel about 3 times a year abroad and have visited all around Asia and Europe and i'm sick and tired of being broke most of the time because all our saving go to these stupid trips. Should i leave her, how are we even going to buy a house and have kids when we have to eat noodles in shitty apartment because our hard earned cash goes to seeing some poo temples in India or some fried frog ass in France?
My girlfriend of 3 years wants to travel way too much...
>be confronted with a relationship problem
>first thought that pops into your head is to leave
It really is no wonder why the world has gone to shit.
>needs Jow Forums to tell him to break up with a boring travelthot
no keep letting a woman drain your resources and run your life until she dumps you for chad user
imagine wanting to go to a place people already live
just to take pictures you could already find online
social media did this
she literally wants to go to brag about it for social points
Perhaps you should try communicating with her instead of asking for help on a fucking political board with your relationship issues.
She wants you to manifest destiny, to conquer foreign lands. When she says travel - she means travel with a warband of loyal companions and take lands and posessions of lesser men.
Like all women that have the need to travel, she’s probably completely miserable and searching for any type of meaning in life. Show her the way. Women have strong natural instincts to have children that are constantly beat down by the clown world. Help her embrace them.
imagine a world without social media or internet
then you would have to travel for gathering souvenirs for posterity points to impress people you literally do not care about
Yeah i'm trying, but she's really brainwashed by instagram and such
Only chads can overcome the Jewish programming given to women
Just tell her "no."
If she leaves you then it was never meant to be.
Also this Buy a 4x4 and go overland camping lmfao.
she is bored and spending
it is your duty to tell her to spend less
stupid goy
think about how different your life would be if 3 years ago you stopped looking for a financially draining woman and saved for your own house and made some secure investments. frequent travel should be for retired people with time and money, not stupid insta whores that have no concept of money including the man's work to obtain it. there is literally nothing worse than a young woman wanting to travel/explore and find herself.
actually based jew
Leave your girlfriend. It's not worth getting into debt just to experience the world nonsense.
You think i haven't?
you know shit is whack when a leaf is making sense.
Take the reigns on the travel plans. You should be able to do it for about as much money as you spend at home.
>use a credit card with airline miles
>stay in hostels or cheap air bnbs
>go to places with favorable exchange rates
There is nothing wrong with traveling it’ is a cool thing to do. Just be smarter about it. If she won’t make this compromise then yeah, dump her.
Hook her up with that Thai NEET that lives in a cave and gets all sorts of backpacker pussy
Well what did she say?
>woman wants to see the world with you
>this is a bad thing
Jesus just go visit somewhere with your girlfriend and stop being such a whiney bitch. Relax, have some beers and see some cool stuff.
>Asia and Europe
Just start pushing for shit holes. If she doesn't like it insinuate that she's racist.
You’ve got to be able to say no firmly and stick to it. Have clear goals you want to achieve with her (kids, house, etc.) and be upfront about them. Women respond well to strong willed men who know what they want. Don’t compromise on your goals.
Honestly, travel should be for very special occasions only. Retired people should be spending money to ensure the best for their grandchildren and family.
Something something "we don't need a house or car lmao, seeing the world is more important" etc. It was like talking to a dead wall, or a robot programmed by social media and youtube travel channels
You are fucking retarded for letting her decide how to waste all your money. You are a man and need to tell her that things are going to change or she needs to leave.
travel to places with beautiful women or with good bodies, let her know that you can travel to these places without her if she tries to be a bitch
user, break up with her this is a massive red flag
Don’t make the same mistake I did
it wil only get worse from here
she will ruin you financially and derail your life permanently
>dating a brainwashed normie
and you dare wear the fascist memeflag yet are this weak boned. For shame user. Unless you REALLY have strong feelings for her I'd consider to start looking for another a girl and just move on desu, there's a million other sheepish girls that won't waste your money on travelling.
belo e moral
Me and my girlfriend broke up today. She ghosted me on my birthday yesterday, and has treated me like shit for months. I've spent over $5000 supporting her. I decided I had enough. It's been rough, anons. I still love her.
You should be telling her exactly what you told us.
Don't change your language at all either. Say exactly what you told us. You want to start saving for the future, and it's impossible if you guys keep wasting your money on trips you don't need to be taking.
She will either split ways, or you guys will compromise.
Compromise on one vacation a year with her.
Why do millenial women want to travel so much?? My boomer mom never traveled further than canada. As for my grandmother she has never left the states!
I highly doubt that, Ivan.
Nip knows what he's talking about.
Kill yourself normalbitch
>loving someone who doesnt love you
jamie, pull up the
Or he is a westerner on another trip that his girlfriend wanted now in Japan haha
>wasting his money to enrich pooland
you have to admit he he has a point
I'm actually pretty fucking relieved, dude. I was the one that pulled the trigger and broke up with her. She says she loves me, but her actions sure as fuck don't show it. And I've seen that meme before.
Heh...that would be funny if it turned out to be true.
Time to move on. If she begs for you back remember that she asserted dominance over you and you allowed it because of your feels. She's a woman that's had a taste of wasting your money for her momentary benefit and insta whoring. She will continue taking advantage of you until you leave her for good.
You KNOW what to do.
I wouldn't travel anywhere if she wouldn't want.
Does she ever struggle with depression or anxiety? Most women do nowadays. If so, make sure she understands that chasing fleeting pleasures (aka traveling) is a direct cause of these feelings of meaninglessness and anxiety. Humans are made whole by working towards meaningful goals (raising kids, doing right by your people, improving your community, progressing humanity towards the stars, etc.). Make her understand this.
Hey Ausbro, that Discord link don't work. Also, you keep posting it in every goddamn thread. What gives?
She's a thot using you for your money.
She only sees you as an ATM.
Do not degrade yourself any further, cast the woman away like the tiny catch she is.
It's a large status symbol, it's how they shit on all their friends, by taking shit tons of selfies and posting them on jewbook. Also women have travel fetishes.
OP is a cuck little bitch
atta boy. but lets not confuse it for re-lived, welcome back to your life
Give her an anal cream pie.
She wastes her own money too
I'd also like to know why they want to travel to third world shitholes so much like costa rica, thailand, etc.
either way it's more appropriate when you actually have money saved to travel with. young people are falling for social media travel memes while they are spending more money than is being saved. travel expenses plus student loan debt ensures that these young people will never amount to anything. who could be behind this elaborate financial scheme?
They’re told having children (what they actually want to do) is oppressive, so they latch on to anything to fulfill their lack of meaning caused by this.
>She wastes her own money too
As long as you're both splitting it about evenly then the only issue here is that you're too much of a bitch to leave after you already told her you had a problem with it and she brushed you off.
Also enjoy your ban of off topic garbage.
Thanks. I'm just focusing on work and getting fit right now. Build up my confidence.
Maybe, or if she is, she's probably depressed because she thinks life is meaningless if you don't travel abroad multiple times a year. She doesn't say she's depressed
The number one reason is because they’re dirt cheap. Reason 2 is “muh vibrant laid-back (lazy, dysfunctional) non white culture”.
Literally fuck travel. Just another aspect of consumerism. I have observed that the most brainless of my acquaitances are the ones who travel the most. I have been to somewhere around 20 countries and I feel best at home.
I could live the rest of my life in my neighbourhood and be perfectly fine.
I hope every tourist burns in hell forever.
This is my flag btw, not the Spanish one.
Finding a girlfriend is hard these days, so i don't want to break this relationship, but i have been considering it because of this. Are we going to be broke when we are 35, 45, 55 etc?
I'm a planefag but I agree this bitch is making you travel way too many fucking times a year.
>one domestic a year
>one international a year
thats how I would do it
sounds like a thot
dump her
You don't like travel because everyone comes to your city Jordi. Enjoy losing all the wealth brought in by the suckers
nigger put babies in her or put a bullet in your head. problems solved.
how the fuck is this pol
this is /b/: vaguely political edition
"travel" is the absolute most degenerate recreation activity imaginable
She's seeking a nigger and you're footing the bill.
>not enjoying being in the airports and skies and seeing awesome planes and actually flying them
Sucks to not be a planefag, at least thats why I like travel. I can understand why no one else would like travel though
>"dating" a 3 year old
ITT:OP doesn't know his wife believes she is in 100% control of the household
Honestly you just need to have a very serious conversation with her. Take a day or two to gather your thoughts and put together a coherent argument. Then do three things in the convo:
1. Explain why traveling is meaningless bullshit.
2. State your goals and new plan for the relationship.
3. Make sure she knows you plan on achieving those goals with or without her.
If she makes no effort to change you can’t continue on like this. Ideally though, she’ll respond well if you do a good job. Women want to follow men with a plan and the will to achieve it.
Dunno how much it helps, but a buddy of mine the other day had to cut it off with his fiancé (they had bought a house and everything)
It could be a lot worse.
Good luck man
You can just break up, life will go on. You don't share the same financial goals.
You're going to be broke a lot sooner, than that, OP. She doesn't appreciate the value of money because she doesn't break her back for it. Try cutting back and see how she reacts. If she's hostile, that's all you need to know.
Travel is a hobby for “childfree” degenerate children LARPing as adults.
Get married and quit cohabitating like a literal nigger would
Just be straight up, say why you think it's stupid to travel more especially considering the huge amount you've already done while still young.If you've been dating for 3 years and your partner refuses to buckle down and invest in the relationship for both of you, for the long term, buying a place etc. they obviously aren't commited to it, and you should move on, cliche but there are actually a fair amount of women out there still looking for a genuine long term relationship that functions not only as a fun partnership, but also as a business partnership in a sense.
Be honest.
I think you need to ask yourself if that pussy is worth it. If not....DUMMMP
Oh shit. Well, I was seriously planning on getting married to this woman. We joked half-seriously about marriage all the time. Still, I feel bad for your bro. And I appreciate the sentiment, user. It's rough, but I've been through worse.
Dump her now. Don't bring sand to the beach (travel)
For virtue signaling brownie points across social media, again really just to shit on their less traveled friend some
>"Marissa WTF are you talking about helping the needy organizing a canned food drive, you haven't given a Paraguayan begger 100 pesos, like I have....."
Doesn't matter when you die alone with no heir
>suggest planning for next generation’s wellbeing
>boomers are like HAVE MY EARS GONE INSANE??!!??
I can actually solve your problem if you dont want to break up with her.
Start planning "Adventures" instead of "trips". Go to dirt cheap hostels, cook your own food, go backpacking. Live really cheap in different places over the world and pitch to her as this amazing, life expanding experience. Instead of drinking expensive wines and visiting overpriced tourist traps go do the easiest, cheapest local shit you can find. Make a game out of it, give yourselves an extremely small budget and then see how long you can "survive" abroad like that. You can actually challenge her to spend as little money as possible and she will LOVE the new parameters you set. It is much more romantic to "rough it" and struggle with someone, even if it's really just larping. She will be totally obsessed with it and think you are extremely hip and cool for suggesting it, plus you will actually save money. Maybe you will even have fun!
curious, how old are you? don't meant to be a cunt, but young couples say this shit all the time after a year and a bit. It's good perspective though, after you go through that you realize you've gotta just be happy by yourself and if a good one crosses your path get it.
A wise man once said save before you spend.
Have a portion you will only ever spend in emergencies.
Have a portion for the future.
Have a portion for bills.
After that, then see what you can do.