Suck my painis

I fucking hate attention whores, trannies and people who roleplay like this is a sonichu fanfic board. And also the jannyturd.

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But you're also a trap, spain

get the fuck out frogredditer and also kill yourself retard, you are on my shitlist for very long time

More I'm on your shill-list, trap.

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Get bent

more like keep voting trudeau you fucking faggot

That doesn't make any sense.

yeah it makes sense because you are automatically a faggot because of your flag and you should stay away from this thread

Kill all fags

you must hate yourself a lot then, between the constant attention whoring and the sonichu-tier fan art you make



based spain

Attached: 1519341724538.png (1192x1080, 1004K)

Sonichu is NOT For attention seeking, Thank you VERY Much! He is very much Real and I will be Joining him and my Husband Magi-Chan Sonichu when our dimension merges with Our sister dimension in the very next few days.

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You're free to leave anytime you want, but you're too much of a cock-sucking brat to actually go through with it.

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kill yourself sandnigger go to mecca and bomb yourself in the middle while fucking a goat

Aw, are you having a bad day, ssp? LOL

>bad day
Nop, I usually don’t let faggots to sperg their bullshit around like the namefag canadian and the retarded sandnigger, I’m just putting them on their place. If you come to me and sperg bullshit you are going to get the shit back all over your face.

Attached: 81CC3E14-0F17-4F28-89C7-3746B4892CC0.jpg (640x480, 101K)

Nobody is stopping you from pursuing those aspirations, no need to vicariously live your dreams through my person.
Just as a side note, anger is only the second stage and yet you seem to have been stuck there for quite a while.

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get the fuck out sandnigger go back and fuck your 6yo brother, nobody cares about your opinions and nobody cares about anything you say

wow this is based