What’s the best way to get rid of a toothache I don’t have health insurance so can’t go to the dentist
What’s the best way to get rid of a toothache I don’t have health insurance so can’t go to the dentist
If it's just a cavity, go to the dentist anyway. You're looking at about $100 to $150 or so for the filling. Better to pay that than to have to get a root canal.
>Be American
>Die from tooth abscess
>be american
>have teeth
Try to go to a clinic. Some offer really low prices depending on your income.
delete tooth
stop being poor.
You don't need health insurance to fix a tooth even in second/third world shitholes
you need to go see the dentist. the only other way is maybe take some painkillers. not advised though
and take good care of your teeth from now on, they won't heal or regrow by themselves.
Put salt on it or chew some garlic.
Vote for Bernie
The absolute state of Americucks.
Vote to bring back obamacare
Cure it ASAP before it spreads and fucks your whole teeth
We still have Obamacare technically
Like, we still have the "health insurance companies can't turn away people who have health problems" rule and "health insurance companies should spend most of their money on actual medical care" rule
Trump just got rid of the individual mandate
And is now trying to get rid of the other provisions I just mentioned
Stop being a broke nigger or drink the pain away until it finally kills you
Fug. I forgot to brush my teeth last night again.
do you even floss bro
Don't be a democrat, see a doctor even if you have to fork out 400 because you will get mouth septicaemia and you won't even upload pics
In Spain, the healthcare system covers only extractions but not endodontics. The procedure consists on 1-Extraction 2-Endodontics 3-Susbstitution of the damaged piece (if damaged by caries), if not they basically glue your tooth or with screws.
The cost could go between 80 to 300$ if the faggot dentist makes you an Orthopantomography because he/she is a kike and wants to charge you more.
You can kill the nerve terminations with electrical equipment or with Calcium inhibitors but I can’t recommend it if you don’t know what are you doing.
Strong alcohol.
I've always found it stupid how pulling out a tooth is cheaper and less annoying than endodoncy.
t. had both done
No, i don't floss.
I used to think it was useless. Then I realized how the gaps between some of my teeth got brown because the brush doesn't reach there. also I realized I flossed wrong (left-right instead of up-down).
since then I floss daily.