Saw this sad doggo today

saw this sad doggo today.
This doggo is of sad.

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After a life of hard work finally have all the kolbasa. Yet I still feel empty inside

It looks pissed

it looks relatable, desu

I feel sad for all the shibes who got purchased because of the meme
I feel sad for their owners too, shibes are said to be very hard to train, they're not your average lab/golden retriever. and they cost a lot of money

Even the dogs in Russia are depressed?

I just feel sad about animals, you know. That's why I don't want any animals to live with me.

>feel sad about animals so I don't own them

Fucking pet it you monster!!!

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I can't even own myself well, anone.

well at least you're responsible with your lack of responsibility

Fuck off you wanker! That doggo is only sad because of all that meat behind him. The fat fucker is just hungry and stuck on the wrong side of the glass.

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meh, anone

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Я люблю этo coбaкa


give him a hug user please ;_;

why are you trying to type in russian, anone?

этo Бpитaнcкий aнoн хoчeт oбщaтьcя c pyccкий, нo oн нe знaть cлoвa eщё и пoэтoмy иcпoльзoвaть Гyгл пepeвoдчик

caмoe интepecнoe, чтo гyгл этy фpaзy пepeвoдит coглacoвaннo: 'я люблю этy coбaкy'.

he's not sad he's just sitting and thinking. dogs do this all the time. I had a fat dog that used to just sit like this on the couch thinking for very long time. it's like day dreaming. probably thinking about food and toys i guess.

this. they can be agressive too

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this. shibes are said to be closer to wolves like most other breeds. as such, they are very defiant and dominant.
I read on /an/ they can basically manipulate and submit their trainer. They said shibes are darn smart. If they know that loud barking will give them attention, they will use it. They will bark at 2am and they won't give a fuck.
of course your mileage may vary, but it's important to know since not a single normie who buys a shibe understands this.

the LMG version is even banned here

He is just cold

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