How can you tell if a girl likes you or not?

How can you tell if a girl likes you or not?

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She swallows?

Girls would never like you

does she exist?
she doesnt

she loves you

Easy. Are you less than 6'5"?
She will never, ever see you as human.

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>Easy. Are you less than 6'5"?
>She will never, ever see you as human.

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Could girls tell if you watch hentai?

She shows you more attention than even your own family.
She goes out of her way to try to talk to you daily.
She enjoys hanging out with you doing whatever so long as you're hanging out.
Kys self


No problem m8. Just have fun with her and she'll make it blatantly obvious for you.
Good luck fren!

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you fuck her

Simple, ask em on a date. If they like ya they'll say yes

do they avoid eye contact
do they hurriedly find excuses not to talk to you
is everything a single word answer
do they scowl often in conversation

this is a sign that the female in question is in love with you and its time for them to show them your nerdier side. bring up pokemon cards or your katana collection to impress her.

if all else fails show her how many pushups you can do even if its only 8. she is afterall a member of the inferior sex, and lacks the upper body strength to do pushups at all.

also chew with your mouth open to establish dominance.

i don't know why i even posted all that i just opened a reply box and had a stroke

really op it should be obvious though

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Fantastic advice

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I am very bad at social queues.
It is not obvious for me
Thats why I need help

Go back to r*ddit
>Hurr durr youre saying people who give real advice are redditors
No, but you certainly are

y so butthurt?
Jow Forums - dating advice

Just pointing out that these people clearly don't belong here

You don't. Even if she says "Yes I like you" she could change her fucking mind a day or even a minute later.

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No clue

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enter her mind


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just ask her, retard

She doesn’t

if you are here, you should know that answer.

Girls don't exist