Who is this mittens and why doesn t he shut up.Anmefags have gone too far...

Who is this mittens and why doesn t he shut up.Anmefags have gone too far. If you want people to know you or something personal then go to facebook or some normie shit

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Facebook is trash now. ;)
And I will not stop until I am accepted

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how About you just stop beeing a namefag and Keep Posting ? You burger slob

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Epic person*
No I will not stop being a namefag. Being a boring anonymous person is way too fucking low for my level. Btfo

Then you are on the wrong Website


use instagramm if you want to whore for Attention

Instagram for thots lole
Now goodbye kid. Don't talk to me again if you can't handle the epicness of the schizo

oh so you are ugly and still want your Attention. Sad Story bro. And no you are not a real schizo. No one with any Kind of related illness would whore for attention

Okay you know what, get out of my life.
Still want love*