People who make these kinds of threads

People who make these kinds of threads...
What's the point? Many people won't even feel better due to them. You're listing their possible traits, but there will be no one to appreciate them outside of anonymous people who you have no connection towards. And that I believe makes the thing ever so sadder.

Seems kind of a waste if you ask me.
Only people in real life can appreciate you, not people online who you've barely a connection to.
That's just my opinion though. Feel free to try change it.

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Just ignore it. If you don't like it then don't encourage the user, human

It's a reminder

I want to encourage conversation, not just shun and ree like an autist at things I don't like.

well, they aren't hurting anyone with positivity.


I think it is.
Getting reminded that only anons on an imageboard appreciate you can be quite depreciating.

Your thread is infinitely more pointless.
Your negative attitude can be contagious,
just how a positive message can be as well.

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Nekker, don't pull that shit on me "ohh you're just a negative Nancy stop being always so negative"

I'm just trying to say there are better ways of conveying positive messages and that way I find to be rather disturbing and possible even more negative than positive.

What’s the purpose of gayposting threads?

I genuinely don't know.
Care to enlighten me?

Bumping non-spam thread

Who are you to decide what people who read that feel? There are a lot of people clinging on by a thread who can geniunely feel better by any sort of conformation that there is SOMEONE regardless of who that cares about you.

You may see it useless for you personally however there are those feel better reading that.

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>implying the fag who make these threads actually cares about any of you
dumb frog poster

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How do you know he doesnt? He might actually b a decent human unlike you, you sad pathetic faggot.

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Just wrote this

I'm the fag of Jow Forums
I'm the nigger of Jow Forums
I will destroy every meanie monster with my faggotry
And they will fucking suffer and drown with my niggary

I'm the fag of Jow Forums
I'm the nigger of Jow Forums
I will fucking rape Jow Forums, and nobody will stop me
If they try to, then that is just called heresy

I'm the fag of Jow Forums
I'm the nigger of Jow Forums
I am the royal homosexual of Jow Forums
I am the TRUE biggest gay of Jow Forums
I'll always be the worst of Jow Forums

No matter how many times
You try to stop me
Because that makes
Me look like a fucking pussy

Jow Forums is ruled by cool guys
always trying to lock fags out

Jow Forums is ruled by fucking based people
But now I decided to change that

Oooooooh yeah yeah yeah
I am the fag of Jow Forums right now

Oooooooh yeah yeah yeah
I am the fag of Jow Forums and you will suffer in my bad dragon cumlube

Oooooooh yeah yeah yeah
My ass will be taught a lesson to not mess with my bad dragon

Oooooooh yeah yeah yeah
I will fucking destroy my bad dragon (with my ass) when I see it

I fucking love all my bad dragons
Why am I such a faggot?
Am I fucking retarded?
Well, too bad the game's just started


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>how do you know
because I'm not a retard like you this faggot wouldn't give a rats ass if you or I died

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>it basically emotional masturbation.this guy has some sort of savior complex so he spouts out some low effort feelgood shitposts full of meaningless platitudes and hollow compliments and then jerk himself of over how great of a person he is. he's probably such a narcissist that he thinks some completely impersonal dribble is actually helping anyone

you hit it right on the head my man

report it i guess if your upset cause liek at this point witch submission is very snuffy
then i got news for you this feelign doesnt go away
it will haunt you has a beast of man

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I'm more concerned about people who take mobile screenshots and post them.

Its to make you feel worse about yourself reminding you nobody will truly ever care about you because you're honestly just a bad person.

That is ultimate gay.
They are with there autism.
The people around them bc they are assholes.
And they run away from reality
Please. Honestly this site has been overrun by 9gaggers ever since the fappening.

What song do I play this too?
Thank you for summarising my feelings

impersonating me isn't going to help. please fucking stop

Yeah that's what I've been thinking it could imply, though not planned.

Exactly, but then there's them TRYING to make it seem like there's emotional weight behind it by posting some generic cute Anime girl, which in my opinion makes it more soulless.

Haven't thought of it that way. Do people like that truly exist?


i love you dumb frogposter well done

Hello user,I was actually behind this thread and all other threads on Jow Forums that spread positivity.I was actually shocked to see your thread, I didn't expect this to happen.I am truly sorry If I annoyed anyone.Please believe me that my intentions were good.I thought by making these kind of threads that I might help someone or make someone feel happy at least.I'm truly sorry.I will leave Jow Forums and stop making these threads for good.Goodbye,this will be my last post.

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ples dont leave ;_;


Gayest shit I've ever read.

because its a grill you dumb chink

I am not annoyed, angry or anything like that. My emotions are more or less neutral toward the thread. I just wanted to promote conversation about those types of threads, as seen in the last sentence of my OP.

Please stay. Your threads give less monotony to the board. This board will become bad if its the same stuff over and over again.

Jow Forums is kind of a waste, yet here we are having the time of our lives :)

I like these threads. it's nice to be reminded of how great and amazing I am. I don't need someone to tell me, but it's still nice to have that reminder.

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