How you holding up Jow Forums? What can I get you?

How you holding up Jow Forums? What can I get you?

Attached: qwIo4Cz.jpg (614x389, 58K)

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milk. the kaiser must not get drunk. i don't want another great war.

Attached: kaiser jimmy3.jpg (226x301, 8K)

Some of your finest rubbing alcohol

Attached: 23C81D54-2542-4EA9-B902-717B512C794E.jpg (488x488, 15K)

I don't know. I just want damned water.

i can't have rum ever again, added it to tartare and ruined perfectly ok raw meat
i don't know why people think alcohol and raw meat ever work together

Attached: Frank-Rum-Ham-Recipe.jpg (650x366, 28K)

anything but rum

I've been doing great honestly started to work out and lost 10 lbs, 20 lbs more to go

Attached: 1547324202281.gif (480x270, 1.02M)

Get me a shot of your finest whiskey, that's all I need.

not great, work is being shit to me
get me something with creme de violette

chuck us a fucken XXXX cunt