mmm yes
Mmm yes
you what mate
i had a little bit of a technical difficulty idk
>engaging your enemy
I'm not even an enemy. I don't know what you're talking about at all
Listen up faggot, don't insult me. I've got a hacking agency at the ready and if you insult me, me and me mates are gonna trace you down and release all your shit to the whole world to see, got it? You don't mess with us, cunt.
We are PinkyBong
We are Legion
We do not forgive
We do not forget
Except us....
Now listen here, and listen up carefully, you ignorant little fuck. I'll have you know PinkyBong is the most based poster on Chen, or shall I say Bant, to NewFags such as yourself. I have over 9000 confirmed cases of flaming trolls. And I have just started kiddo. Go on. I dare you. Try and fuck with teh Ultimate Power of PinkyBong. You're in the deep end now, you shallow little cunt. You are on very think fucking ice. And believe me you FuckTard. PinkyBong will be under it when it inevitably breaks. #ExpectUs
Hey cunt, you want to anger the PinkyBong? You want to anger the troll master? I've got some famous trolls under my belt, I've been the leader of numerous raiding groups, I've been involved in lots of DDoS attacks and doxxings, and you dare, you fucking dare come to my board, with this inane garbage to spew out like a retard? Pathetic. PinkyBong is not pleased. We are not pleased with this. Consider yourself dead, fool, as you have no rights anymore.
Faggots, the lot of you, dwelling in here like creatures when teh Internets are my domain. You come here to spew out this cringe against the lordly me, the PinkyBong activist group, you would come here to /chen/ to do such a thing? Very "NewFaggy" of you, lad. Soon /chen/ will be /PinkyBong/ and all you shall bow down to me. Fools.