Normie Q&A thread

Normie Q&A thread
I'm bored as shit, stoned as fuck and trying to get drunk.
If you want an answer now's the time.

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why are you being stoned and trying to get drunk? that's bad for your fucking health

How's your day been?

what are you drinking

If you're a normie, then why are you even using this site?

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Why does my mind go blank when presented with opportunities like this?
Also why do I keep having dreams about being inside cozyish dark grocery stores after everyone is gone in the night?

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Why are you dating your sister?

>after everyone is gone in the night
After closing hours in the nighttime*

any tips to quit fapping and smoking

Lol, closing those establishments down at night after everyone is gone is literally my job.. They so feel more comforting with nobody in them.

>why are you being stoned
For public faggotry.
>trying to get drunk
My wife and I are having fun together alone on my day off.
>that's bad for your health
Because my life isn't a contest of who lives longest. Quality over quantity of years and all that.
Exceptional. Went out to wander the strip with the wife and ended up at The Venetian laughing at the stupid high society fashion.
Four Freedoms™ Vodka and Silver Rum
Not all normies are chads but not all are betas. There's a place inbetween called Brad. He's usually a former frat boy or peaked out in high school (muh varsity football team).
I was here before I was Normie™ but I'm still more normie than most of the wizards here even though I've been here longer and usually I'm older.

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Yeah but in my dreams they have almost zero lighting and the only lighting gives it a cozy dark bedroom feel yet it’s weird because it’s a bloody grocery store

well, enjoy your time off and your rum

Nice. I'll let you get to your festivities then and toast a bowl in your honor. One last question though, how vividly do you dream, friend?

Have you started treatment yet?
Mrs. Normie has a sexe butte btw.

We used to do that, but it's a health and safety hazard. Main lights must remain on nowadays.

I can see why it’s a hazard, but...
Why so many dreams about grocery stores???
They seem innocuous on description yet strange due to setting and circumstances. Sometimes there’s people. Sometimes creatures. Frequently it’s just me

>Why does my mind go blank when presented with opportunities like this?
Could be that you're overwhelmed by the amount of questions you could and have to wade through the flood of shitty questions to find the one you want to ask.
>why do I keep having dreams about being inside cozyish dark grocery stores after everyone is gone in the night?
>grocery store
Well our minds wander a lot when we're alone. I couldn't rightly say why a grocery store would be your thing. Maybe it has something to do with your last job.
Don't have a sister.
Always wanted one though :(
That's why I hang around a lot more women than men.
Mind over matter. Try to supplement the time you would be doing those things with something more productive.
If you'd normally go fap go workout.
If you'd normally smoke a cigarette go eat a healthy meal or read a book.
Supplementing negative behavior for positive behavior is key to almost everything in life.
Also nicotine patches and a gf.
Just a thought.
Imma be here for a bit chill out.
These fools straight up summoned me with like 4 threads about me.
See above.
>how vividly do you dream, friend?
Let me ask you a question before.
Do you ever fall asleep and then forget you exist in the real world?
I dream very vividly. Sometimes I wakeup angry because I have to come back here. Dreams our my only escape to the possibility of another start on a new life because every time I wake up I remember that I'm stuck here with no escape.
Sometimes I can control my dreams a little bit. Like you're aware you're dreaming so you see how much you can fuck around. Think playtest breaking a dream lol.
Nah but I have a new doctor which is nice. He's far less concerned than my last 2 because he's an actual specialist.
>Mrs. Normie butte

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Same, though reality repeats my dreams.. That was all I had for now..

You posted pictures of her, member?
>last job
That could be it.
>Could be that you're overwhelmed by the amount of questions you could and have to wade through the flood of shitty questions to find the one you want to ask.

What is your original face before you were born?

Sum food for thought on my dreams
>be me
>find myself on a giant purple mushroom cap in a forest of giant mushroom trees with a thick purple haze
>orcs on top of other caps
>I’m with the Fellowship of the Ring XD
>we’re fighting the orcs as we somehow make our way up to the top of the forest
>like it’s a bloody video game
>I reach the top and I find myself alone in a half room with purple fog forest behind me
>in front of me is an old loveseat and nothing else, and a doorway that was pitch black beyond it

Have you ever got Kot ID?

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Where do dreams come from Future Sight?
I do member. I haven't seen anyone else post them in a while though.
An amorphous blob thing that kinda makes you look like a fish. Unborn babies in the womb have wonky freak deak faces.
That's heckin weird m8. You ever have a running dream? Like you have one over the course of multiple nights.
Yes pic related.

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Take advice from the Kot ID.

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True. All is one and one is all too. Everything is connected.

You might be younger than me, but not by much.
>married for 21 years
No THOT for this KOT

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why are you a stupid nigger stupid faggot fucking idiot fucking moron abortion baby degenerated rapebaby of a thousand niggers at once by tyrone jamalson himself

>be me
>return to a house I lived in when I was younger (I was 13-14 when I had this dream and I was living in said house, from my perspective it was a future me)
>It’d been taken over by demons
>I wanted to go back in to retrieve my mother’s corpse for a proper burial (she would’ve been skeleton by now)
>I open the screen door slowly because it creaks
>I open the front door even more slowly
>I walk inside as slowly and quietly as possible
>In every dark room there is a floating crystalline dark purple cocoon, must not disturb
>I walk slowly to the back area
>I suddenly find myself in France, 1944, inside a contested city and I spy a German mortar crew firing the mortar
That’s where it ends for the first one
Second one
>be me
>dunno when this was, maybe a few months later in the sequence
>The demons had broken out and turned out to have the power to bring about the apocalypse - there were 4 IIRC
>Me and the family had gotten together to make plans for finding shelter since the apocalypse was beginning and we were gonna take refuge in the wilderness
>I’m just staring at the stars
>End pt. 2

>Me and my grandfather in his truck
>about 5PM, the sun is beginning to set
>Driving on an abandoned road with plenty of houses on one side and wilderness on the other
>I never took my eyes off those house, I felt malevolence residing within those houses, watching and waiting for darkness
>We drive and meet up with the remaining family

Not really much to it but it counte

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What're your thoughts on Dukeposting?

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Thanks based >Dutch

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do you smoke cigarettes?

See all of us have such donked up dreams. It's so weird. This is why I've always wanted to try DMT under medical conditions. Like a drug trial with DMT to see what the user experience is like. Only once though. Evidently DMT is released in the brain when we dream.
Some of the most based posting around.
Carry on duke just don't go all anti-gay.

Shouldn’t you be dead already?

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Why do you look like Trevor Phillips?

where u live bitch

He lives by that coconut

Yes. Menthols to be precise.
Nah nigga cancer ain't a death sentence anymore. My dad got melanoma and he's still alive.
Genetics. I can't help if I went bald.
>pic related
Las Vegas.

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