I'm so fucked

I'm so fucked

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Why yes, you are.

( Y )

wut'd you do

My cousin told me to look after her cat and he got outside and I cant find him

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Set out food that has a scent that goes far and keep an eye.
All else fails, just be patient, it may return

That's what I did and the cat hasn't been back yet it's already been a day since he got out

same american user as yesterday?

Just keep being patient. It was two to three days before mine came back after he got out several years back

Buy a new cat that looks like the old one

you're fucked

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Yes and the thing is her mom passed away recently and she flew over to North Carolina to do some business for the weekend and she's coming back tomorrow

Well I just got off the phone with her and I told her what happened
Yes she's pissed and her husband is fucking pissed also

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I'm going to bed good night

user everything will be okay. i am sorry that happened. you will look back on this day and think, "man that was more insignificant than I thought it was". i know it sucks now but it'll be fine.

Mr. Fuck?

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Maybe if those dummies had an outside cat, it wouldnt be stupid enough to get lost outside.

explain to the cunt that cats tend to explore for a long time before coming back.
not entirely your fault. cats are pretty fucking agile.
if they didn't neuter the cat, then it's partially their fault.
if they get pissed off at you to the point of attacks ensuing, tell them if they'd rather have you put a fucking leash on it.
>little negligence on your part
>mostly their fault
especially if you're not used to cats

Yea having an inside cat is fucked up in the first place

Good. Fuck cats.

i've only known low iq turbospergs and diagnosed psychopaths to hate cats

most people don't liek or dislike them

t. shinji ikari

The thumbnail looks like she is sucking a a cock sandwich

Fuck her