I made an open source chrome and firefox extension to automatically hide memeflag kikes on Jow Forums and Jow Forums...

I made an open source chrome and firefox extension to automatically hide memeflag kikes on Jow Forums and Jow Forums. I made a post on Jow Forums soliciting feedback for the next version and was banned for "Off-topic discussion." If you need proof that the mod team is completely compromised, look no further.

Attached: kike-mods.jpg (778x424, 104K)

>Jow Forums
you have to go back

Attached: 1552645092150.png (505x584, 353K)

Nobody here cares Jow Forums is gay

don't you mean
you have to go back

You're posting on off-topic Jow Forums. Isn't that a bit worse?

Exposes IP address why?
I'm not into that, but it seems a major oops.

I was quoting him, but whatever works.
>You're posting on off-topic Jow Forums. Isn't that a bit worse?

Attached: 1532434577306.jpg (300x300, 30K)

Attached: 1528747308755.png (321x422, 25K)

Jow Forums has your ip saved, new york boy.
