Do you wanna see the good stuff?

Do you wanna see the good stuff?

Attached: male_skeleton__1857_1024x1024.jpg (667x1000, 65K)

Yes please show your beautiful face

Okay I will post the good stuff

Attached: T699768787704MzAwMzk4NDI1MA.jpg (194x200, 4K)

Cute! Thank you!

Here's the good stuff

Attached: p708649jpg.jpg (600x600, 49K)

Attached: Katie-Grant-2.jpg (871x872, 82K)


Attached: 1523574526787.png (1000x1000, 289K)

Attached: Katie-Grant-was-outraged-when-her-surgeon-told-her-that-he-could-make-her-nose-more-beautiful-less-J (500x281, 36K)


Attached: 1551301085146.gif..gif (500x592, 212K)

Here ill give you something better

Attached: T699768787704MzAwMzk4NDI0Mg.jpg (202x200, 5K)