Why are normies obsessed with TV shows like pic related?

Why are normies obsessed with TV shows like pic related?

I work with many "intelligent" NPCs and they always talk about these type of shows.

Attached: game-of-thrones.jpg (1920x1080, 109K)

remember back when you where blupilled and how good it was actually caring about a movie or a show.

they are in a state of bliss. much like the pig eating its last meal before slaughter.

probably because Westeros has less censorship and mass surveillance than your shitty country, you're totally better than all those sheeple though, just be sure to pay for your TV license!

It distracts from the bitter emptiness

yeah i cant even watch british television anymore since its filled with minorities and my blood boils when i hear a nigger with a british accent.

I wish i was a normie.

1st three seasons were great

its a feminist show now, I just cringe when I watch it, its sad because they spend a lot of money and its really well made.

What else are they supposed to talk about? The BBC? Their crippling depression at the state of the UK?

>blonde princess raped by dothraki, righteous king executed, you jew boy not killed for sneaking a peak.

yeah great first seasons. fuck off

cue 'awgm, its das tgrreaterst televeison of alkl time, its scoimplex and narrtively rich'

-The fact that they're all saying along the exact same thing tells me chinese whispers spoken a thousand times. They don't think for themselves.