Why are normies obsessed with TV shows like pic related?
I work with many "intelligent" NPCs and they always talk about these type of shows.
Why are normies obsessed with TV shows like pic related?
I work with many "intelligent" NPCs and they always talk about these type of shows.
remember back when you where blupilled and how good it was actually caring about a movie or a show.
they are in a state of bliss. much like the pig eating its last meal before slaughter.
probably because Westeros has less censorship and mass surveillance than your shitty country, you're totally better than all those sheeple though, just be sure to pay for your TV license!
It distracts from the bitter emptiness
yeah i cant even watch british television anymore since its filled with minorities and my blood boils when i hear a nigger with a british accent.
I wish i was a normie.
1st three seasons were great
its a feminist show now, I just cringe when I watch it, its sad because they spend a lot of money and its really well made.
What else are they supposed to talk about? The BBC? Their crippling depression at the state of the UK?
>blonde princess raped by dothraki, righteous king executed, you jew boy not killed for sneaking a peak.
yeah great first seasons. fuck off
cue 'awgm, its das tgrreaterst televeison of alkl time, its scoimplex and narrtively rich'
-The fact that they're all saying along the exact same thing tells me chinese whispers spoken a thousand times. They don't think for themselves.
Fuck I’m glad I’m not the only one. It just sounds so wrong
Normies talking about Game of Thrones would be a good thing, were Game of Thrones actually good.
Things have changed now due to the internet, but in the past, everyone watched the same TV, because television options were limited. When someone talked about The Six Million Dollar Man or some shit, everyone knew what they were talking about and it became an easy way for people to bond. It was a homogenizing cultural aspect, and healthy, as it enabled a society to have something in common.
The real issues are:
1) Game of Thrones is absolutely pathetic, the last episode was was unwatchable because the story now revolves entirely around extremely unlikable women while the most important character, Jon Snow, just stands around mumbling and being yelled at by literal children. It is more agenda than story.
2) People have literally nothing else going on in their lives besides Game of Thrones, they have no self-esteem, no values, no higher ideals, so Game of Thrones is the ONLY thing tying them to the larger society, rather than one aspect of many.
Most of the normies who watch Game of Thrones really understand nothing that is happening in the show, they can't discuss it, they just absorb it, passively, on the most superficial level, and talk about it just because they have nothing else to talk about with other people. That is the real problem.
Yep it's terrible I couldn't watch it. The Danerys episodes where annoying enough. It was tolerable when she showed ass and titties tho.
Because they are good, you fucking autist.
>politics and current events board
>hurr durr teh bloo pilled normies r dubm
Can't deny this - ever since (((HBO))) took over the story creation it has swung hard into SJW land. Books were based.
>I'm special because I cant tolerate subversive media
How are oyu supposed to fight corruption when you're willingly blinding yourself, isnt that why you come here? Whats the difference between some normie show and Jow Forums, you sound like a bitch, establish culture critique, thats what memes are after all.
Their actual lives are empty so they glom onto fiction.
It's actually a good show, too bad they had to chill on the nudity and gore. Normies only invaded the show after The Mother of Dragons started turning proud men into kebabs. One of the best shows I've seen after Breaking Bad.
This is a thread about normie programming. If you don't see how that's related to politics then lurk moar.
people who have read the books bother me more
right this second your life is empty enough to allow for time to crawl through 4chins
Season 1-4 was prime kino desu. Back in the good old days when it was focused more on the politics and betrayal instead of pandering to brain dead normies through explosions, dragons and zombies. Whatever it is now is immaterial, the first few seasons truly deserve all the praise they get
its a decent show with a decent plot - something that's nice to watch after a long day at work
of course none of you can relate, because you are all helpless parasitic neets.
Because John Snow is a gamma, a secret king, and now a hero, just like they see themselves.
>Whatever it is now is immaterial
That's like saying France was good in the past so it's not important that now it is ruled by Muslims who chimp out on a bi-weekly basis punching native French to death and raping 10 year olds.
The degeneration of Game of Thrones pretty much represents the degeneration of society at large. Think about it. The books were written by a guy who is socially liberal but wrote books accurate to reality (for a book about dragons and snow demons). The minute that they ran out of book material to steal, the two young hipster hacks running the show had to use original material, and suddenly everything is shit because these people are lazy, stupid, agenda-driven, and incompetent.
full of quotes for thots
>if you want a queen....
it was ok until it deviated from the novels,around the time stannis burned his daughter on the teebee. now it's just standard "how many views" fare
You are not special for not watching it, no1 cares.
what are some redpilled tv shows
the one i'm watching
>2) People have literally nothing else going on in their lives besides Game of Thrones, they have no self-esteem, no values, no higher ideals, so Game of Thrones is the ONLY thing tying them to the larger society, rather than one aspect of many.
p. much this. being normie is just fucking boring.
i remember when i was little and i was so shocked and discomforted to find out black people lived in britain
Because human beings have these things called “interests”, “hobbies” and “entertainment”