Itt: we act like reddit

itt: we act like reddit

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Jew still seething over oc

zieg heil fellow frogster magapepes where are we going to spam epic toads today

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yeah lol these ((((fucking))) jews they all seethe and cope lmaao they should have sex

have sex

now i don't mean to be rude, its just my opinion... but seriously, like seriously y'all, do you really actually not like star wars? i mean, stop and think, think about that for a moment, that there's actually people who don't, and i mean actually don't like starwars. but what would i know *sips tea*

how the fuck am i supposed to know how reddit acts?

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edit: wow i was visiting my sick mother while this blew up thanks reddit!
edit2: thanks for the gold kind stranger!

i wonder

ipad pro with a keyboard, but don’t let they stop you from being a retard

real talk guys, reddit is not that bad, i post there with me lads all the time enjoying the great community

Hey guys, let’s talk about how much religion is stupid and why I love dilating myself.

Me and my boyfriend got blackout drunk and he raped me. What do I do? I'm so tramauatized.

Edit: oh my god you guys/girls/zers are so supportive. I've gone to the police and they arrested him. Since I was drunk, I wasn't able to consent to sex while I was riding on top of him.

On behalf of all men, I apologize for how horrible we are. Men do nothing useful.

Sent from my iPhone.


My flag should do it

OMG Borche is my FAVORITE

stfu retarded incel

Haha le epic incel

shit bait

>so close to getting drumpf impeached!

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