How do we fix anime, r/banter?

How do we fix anime, r/banter?

Attached: Kino 134.jpg (853x480, 59K)

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more niggers

More ponies

are you this stupid
you literally made this thread for a 100th time
and here i see, is STUPID FUCKING REPLIES?

kill yourself

more egge
calm down

Attached: 1554427812660.gif (146x209, 60K)

tomino give us a season 2 before you die you hack

Attached: Overman King Gainer dancing ana.gif (142x231, 94K)

goats don't kill themselves. stop using that stupid thread already
haha, sorry. i just do not get the joke... if i assume there is one

more lewdd

Attached: Screenshot_20190421-054252.png (540x898, 468K)

more black people (niggers)

Attached: 1548738980792.jpg (583x437, 94K)